3 Feb              DOD announces that over 41,000 sorties have been flown (2,500 today), 480
                                    solely against Republican Guard fortifications, in addition to airfields
                                    and hardened aircraft shelters. The latter targeting has resulted in the
                                    destruction of 68 additional Iraqi aircraft. Also, 25-35 major bridges
                                    have been destroyed or damaged resulting in continuing resupply
                              The Navy's battleship USS MISSOURI (BB-63) fired eight 1.25-ton shells
                                    from its 16-inch guns at prefabricated concrete command and control
                                    bunkers Iraq was moving into Kuwait, destroying the bunkers. The
                                    barrage, totalling 18,000 pounds of high explosives, marked the first
 4                                  combat firing of the MISSOURI's 16-inch guns since the Korean
                                    War, and was in support of Marines and coalition ground forces.
                                    This also marked the first use of a Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV)
                                    for gun fire spotting in a hostile environment.
                              Using its mine-avoidance sonar, USS CURTS, then, USS NICHOLAS
                                    escorted the battleship through unlighted navigational hazards stead-
                                    ily north in the Arabian Gulf to gain maximum tactical advantage.
                              Mine explodes near USS NICHOLAS, shrapnel causes light damage.
                              DOD announces that evidence concludes that a U.S. aircraft accidently hit a
                                    Light Armored Vehicle killing 7 Marines during the January 29 battle
                                    at Khafji. This "friendly fire" accident is ascribed to the mis-identifica-
                                    tion of the USMC vehicle and its close proximity to comparably-
                                    configured Iraqi armored vehicles during "very intesne, very close"
                                    combat. The four other Marine KIAs, in another LAV, are believed
                                    to have been hit by Iraqi fire.
                              U.S. has lost three additional aircraft in non-combat operations, a USMC
                                    AH-lJ Cobra, a USMC UH-1 Huey helo, and a USAF B-52. The two
                                    crewmen of the AH- ii, Major Eugene McCarthy and Captain Jon-
                                    athan Edwards, which crashed in Saudi Arabia while returning from
                                    an armed combat escort mission on 2 February, are listed as killed in
                                    action. The 4 crewmembers of the Huey, Captain David Herr, Cap-
                                    tain James Thorp, Corporal Albert Haddad, and Corporal Kurt Benz,
                                    are listed as killed in action. Three crewmen of the B-52, which
                                    crashed in the Indian Ocean while returning from a combat mission,
                                    have been recovered by Naval Reservists of Helicopter Squadron-75,
                                    while three other crewmen are missing.
                              No hostile naval activity, reconfirming Iraqi naval capability has been neu-

           4 Feb              DOD announces that over 44,000 sorties have been flown -- "that's approxi-
                                    mately one bombing sortie for every minute of the DESERT STORM
                                    operation" --(2,700 today), including 250 sorties and six B-52 strikes
                                    on Republican Guard troop positions.
                              U.S. aircraft also hit targets of opportunity, including a USMC AV-8B attack
                                    with Rockeye anti-tank bombs that destroyed or damaged 25 Iraqi
                                    tanks, and a strike on a truck convoy detected moving at about 0400.
                              There has been no hostile activity by Iraq's naval forces.


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