5 Feb              DOD announces that to-date, over 47,000 sorties have been flown (2,800
                         today) and 284 TOMAHAWK cruise missiles launched with targeting
                         focused on Republi-can Guard emplacement (400 sorties, six B-52
                         strikes) and logistics interdiction.
                   USS MISSOURI destroys Iraqi artillery emplacement.
                   Navy A-6s attacked Silkworm anti-ship missile sites at Uum Qasabah. Hits
                         on two launchers and several control and support vehicles were con-
                   USMC AV-8Bs bombed and strafed a 25-truck convoy, causing multiple
                         secondary explosions. Strikes have also hit resupply convoys backed
                         up attempting to cross bombed-out bridges between Baghdad and
                   A Navy F/A- 18 is downed. The pilot, LT Robert Dwyer of the USS iHEO-
                         DORE ROOSEVELT's Carrier Airwing-8, is missing.
                   There has been no hostile activity by Iraq's air or naval forces. Iraqi ground
                         troops continue limited probing/reconnaissance actions with some
                         small arms fire and sporadic artillery fire.
                   Enemy prisoners of war to-date total about 817.
                   Voluntary/involuntary recall to active duty of retired Marines announced.
                   To-date, 211,146 National Guard and Reservists have been recalled to active
                         duty (15,376 Navy, 22,634 USMC).

6 Feb              At D +21, DOD announces that over 49,000 sorties have been flown (2,500
                         today), with A-6s. F-15s. F-16s and B-52s tar~eting Republican Guard
                         fortifications every three hours around the clock. 650 sorties have
                         also hit convoys and assembly areas to isolate Iraqi troops and shape
                         the Kuwait Theater of Operations for any future engagements.
                         Bridges, roads and railroads are being targeted and retargeted to
                         interdict troop resupply. 42 bridges have been destroyed or exten-
                         sively damaged, 70% of Iraqi supply lines have been cut.
                   USS MISSOURI has destroyed 4 artillery emplacements and a command
                         bunker with another 16-inch gun barrage in support of Marines. In a
                         second salvo, the MISSOURI fired 28 16-inch rounds against a radar
                         control site complex, completely destroying it. 5-inch batteries also
                         engaged. MISSOURI has fired a total of 112 16-inch shells and 12
                         five-inch rounds in 8 fire support missions over 48 hours.
                   Within two hours of relieving its sister battleship, USS WISCONSIN (BB-
                         64) conducted its first naval gunfire support mission since the Ko-
                         rean War, firing an 11-round salvo with its 16-inch guns and destroy-
                         ing an Iraqi artillery battery in southern Kuwait. Secondary explo-
                         sions reported. USS NICHOLAS escorted the battleship. USMC
                         OV-10 called in the fire mission.
                   Two patrolling F-15s intercepted 4 Iraqi fighters transiting to Iran 100 feet
                         above-ground, and shot down 2 SU-25s and 2 MIG-21s. Three other
                         Iraqi fighters crossed into Iranian airspace before furhter engagement.
                         134 Iraqi plances (109 fighters, 25 transports) have flown to Iran.
                   Navy and Marine Corps aircraft have flown over 11,000 combat sorties


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