2() Feb (coi'itinuing)        Iraqi troops. A U.S. combined arms team engaged Iraqi infantry,
                              tanks and artillery along the border. One U.S. servicemember was
                              killed, seven wounded. In one day-long engagement 100-kilometers
                              above the border, U.S. artillery and tactical aircraft attacked 300 ve-
                              hicles in revetted positions, destroying 28 tanks and 28 vehicles.
                       Three additional U.S. aircraft have been lost. An Army helo crashed during
                              combat, killing both pilots. A USMC CH-46 helo and an F-16 were
                              non-combat losses.
                       No Iraqi aircraft have flown in ten days.
                       To-date, there have been 55 U.S. fatalities: 17 KIA, 38 Non-Combat Fatali-
                              ties; 25 WIA; 27 MIA (7 Navy, 2 USMC); 2 Missing; 9 POW (2 Navy,
                              2 USMC).
                       U.S. troop strength is over 527,000 (82,000 + Navy, 94,000 USMC), other
                              coalition forces exceed 205,000.
                       To-date, 219,858 National Guard and Reservists have been called to active
                              duty (17,198 Navy, 28,359 USMC).
                       U.S. has lost 36 aircraft (Z8 fixed wing in combat, 5 fixed wing in non-combat
                              mishaps, 8 helicopters lost in non-combat). Coalition has lost 11
                              aircraft. 42 Iraqi aircraft and 6 helos have been shot down in air-to-
                              air engagements with no U.S. losses. 137 Iraqi aircraft flown to Iran.

21 Feb                 Iraq accepts Soviet-brokered eight-point peace proposal. U.S. expresses
                              "serious" reservations.
                       DOD announces that 88,000 sorties have been flown (2,400 today) with air
                              campaign focus on battlefield preparation in the KTO (800+ sorties),
                              destruction of the Republican Guards (100 sorties), interdiction of
                              communication lines, and strikes and restrikes on strategic targets.
                       Naval forces conduct air strikes and combat operations including mine
                              countermeasures and maritime intercepts. USS SPRUANCE (DD-
                              963) diverts a freighter in the North Red Sea.
                       Marine Attack Squadron-331 AV-8Bs conducted first of 243 sorties off the
                           -  flight deck of the USS NASSAU (LHA-4). This is the first time in
                              history that USMC AV-8Bs have conducted combat missions from a
                              Landing Helicopter Assault ship. 256 tons of ordnance on targets.
                       Two Navy aircraft have been lost in non-combat mishaps. A SH-60 helo's
                              engine failed taking off from USS HALYBURTON (FFG-40), made
                              emergency water landing. 3 crewmen rescued, helo lost. CH-46 helo
                              from USS SEAmIE (AOE-3) crashed in the North Red Sea. 3 crew
                              men rescued, another is missing.
                       Firing 50 rounds from off Khafji, USS WISCONSIN destroys command com-
                              plex. RPVs spotted targets and provided coastline reconnaissance.
                       Throughout the border region, a continued increase in engagements, recon-
                              naissance and counter-reconnaissance probes between U.S. forces, in-
                              cluding Marines, and Iraqi troops involving artillery, attack helos, and
                              tactical air strikes. A USMC unit exchanged small arms and stagger
                              missile fire with Iraqi troops.


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