21 Feb (continuing) 4 SCUD missiles impacted harmlessly in King Khalid Military City, and
                          coastal Saudi Arabia. 72 SCUDs fired to-date.
                    DOD has authorized awarding of National Defense Service Medal to all
                          U.S. service personnel on active duty after 2 August 1990 in special
                          recognition of "outstanding performance during OPERA~ONs
                          DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM."

22 Feb              After consultations with coalition partners, President Bush rejects Iraqi
                          peace plan, declares ground campaign will not be initiated if before
                          1200 (EST) on 23 February Iraq publicly agrees to: begin large-scale
                          immediate withdrawal; complete withdrawal within one week; within
                          48 hours, leave Kuwait City and allow prompt return of the legitimate
                          government of Kuwait; withdraw from all prepared defenses along the
                          Saudi-Kuwait and Saudi-Iraq borders, from Bubiyan and Warbah
                          Islands, and from Kuwait's Rumaila oil fields; return troops to Iraqi
                          positions of 1 August 1990; cooperate with International Red Cross
                          and release all POWs and 3rd country civilian prisoners and remains
                          of servicemen within 48 hours; remove all explosives or booby traps
                          and provide data on location and nature of any land or sea mines;
                          cease all combat air fire, aircraft flights over Iraq and Kuwait except
                          for transport aircraft carrying troops out of Kuwait; cease all de-
                          structive action against Kuwaiti citizens and property, and release all
                          Kuwaiti detainees. U.S. and coalition agrees not to attack retreating
                          Iraqi forces and will exercise restraint as long as withdrawal proceeds
                          within these guidelines.- Any breach of these terms will bring an
                          instant and sharp response from coalition in accordance with U.N.
                          Security Council Resolution 678.
                    DOD announces that 91,000+ sorties have been flown (2,700+ today) re-
                          focusing on battlefield preparation in the KTO (1,000 sorties), de-
                          struction of the Republican Guards (100 sorties), strike and restrike of
                          selected strategic targets, and counter-SCUD (100 sorties).
                    To-date, USS JOHN F. KENNEDY (CV-67) has launched nearly 80 direct
                          bombing/missile strike missions with over 800 sorties in direct attacks.
                    Naval forces are conducting strike operations, surface surveillance, combat
                          air patrols, mine countermeasures and maritime intercept operations.
                    One Marine has been killed and seven wounded by Iraqi artillery fire during
                          three separate border engagements. Marines destroyed 18 Iraqi
                          tanks, 15 vehicles, and captured 87 enemy prisoners of war.
                    1st Marine Division task forces secretly move 10 miles into Kuwait.
                    Ground forces are continuing an aggressive and active recon patrolling along
                          and throughout the border area. Marines are also dropping napalm
                          in oil-filled Iraqi trenches to ignite oil, clear a path for assault forces.
                    An estimated one hundred oil wells have been destroyed in Kuwait. along
                          with oil tanks. export terminals and other installations. President
                          Bush states Iraq has "launched a scorched-earth policy destroying the
                          entire oil production system of Kuwait." DOD states oil wells were
                          rigged with explosives and "systematically and deliberately destroyed".


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