27 Feb (continuing)  * Immediate release of all coalition POWs, third-country nationals and the
                           remains of all who have fallen.
                     * Iraq must release all Kuwaiti detainees.
                     * Iraq must inform Kuwait of the location and nature of all' land/sea mines.
                     * Iraq must comply fully with all relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions.
                     After United Nations formally requests compliance, Iraq delivers letter to
                           U.N. stating intention to comply with cease-fire terms.
                     U.S. and coalition air strikes and sporadic ground attacks continued until
                           2400 (EST) deadline. 103,000 sorties have been flown (3,000 today)
                     *     focusing on battlefield air interdiction and close air support.
                     Navy and Marine Corps pilots have flown over 26.000 combat sorties to-date.
                     USMC AV-8B is downed. Pilot, Captain Reginald Underwood, is killed.
                     While off Kuwaiti coast, to assist ground forces to secure and enter Kuwait
                           City, USS WISCONSIN's Remotely Piloted Vehicle detects 2 small
                           boats fleeing Faylaka Island. Navy A-6s were called in and destroyed
                           the boats, believed to be carrying Iraqi secret police.
                     USS AVENGER (MCM- 1) with Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit
                           6, Det. 12 finds, identifies and neutralizes a live bottom influence
                           mine in combat. Considered invisible to sonar, this is a naval first.
                     Maritime intercept operations continue with over 7,500 merchants chal-
                           lenged, over 940 ships boarded, and 47 diverted.
                     SECNAV activates 1,959 additional Naval Reservists from 87 units.

28 Feb               DOD announces temporary cease fire is holding with U.S. and coalition
                           forces in defensive positions. conducting combat air patrols and
                           reconnaissance operations. However, there have been several inci-
                           dents of Iraqi troops firing on U.S./coalition forces, attributed to
                           isolated Iraqis cut off from communications unaware of ceasefire.
                     Over 110,000 sorties have been flown by U.S. and coalition forces.
                     pOD reports 42 Iraqi divisions have been destroyed or rendered combat-
                           ineffective. An additional division of Iraqi troops has been ~ble to
                           avoid capture or destruction, and flee to safety.
                     USS NIMITZ (CV-68) and USS FORRESTAL (CV-59) Carrier Battle
                           Groups will depart on 5 and 7 March 1991 for overseas deployment.
                           The battle groups will provide operational and maintenance flexibil-
                           ity for carrier battle groups in support of OPERA~ON DESERT
                           STORM and ensure maximum readiness and deployment stability of
                           naval forces in that area.
                     Iraq agrees to meeting to work out cease-fire issues.

1 March              DOD announces cease-fire remains in effect, only one minor violation.
                           U.S./coalition forces remain on alert, in strong defensive positions.
                     DOD reports Marines captured, destroyed, or damaged, 1,060 tanks, 608
                           armored personnel carriers, 432 artillery pieces, five FROG launchers
                           and 2 SCUD transporter erector launchers during 100 hours of offen-
                           sive combat. Marine sweeps also uncovered a bunker containing
                           chemical artillery shells.


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