1 March (cont.tnuing)Navy, Marine and other aircraft are conducting defensive, counter-air,
                         reconnaissance, SCUD reaction, and resupply operations.
                  Naval forces are conducting maritime interception and minesweeping opera-
                         tions. 125 mines have been destroyed to-date.
                  Hundreds of Iraqi soldiers waving white flags on Faylaka Island surrendered
                         to the battleship USS MISSOURI's Remotely Piloted Vehicle flying
                         overhead after their trenchline was bombarded.
                  The U.S.. British. French and Canadian Embassies are open in~Kuwait City
                         and fully functioning. Kuwaiti International Airport is operational.

2 March           By 11-1 vote, U.N. Security Council approves Resolution 686, outlining
                         conditions Iraq must meet' prior to a formal cease-fire. Conditions
                         include release of all POWs, release of all Kuwaiti hostages, provide
                         locations of all mines in Kuwait, and compliance with all previous
                         U.N. resolutions.
                  DOD announces cease-fire remains in effect. U.S./coalition forces remain
                         on alert in defensive positions.
                  Navy, Marine and other aircraft are flying reconnaissance, resupply and com-
                         bat air patrol missions.
                  Naval forces are conducting continuing maritime interception and mine-
                         sweeping operations.
                  USS WISCONSIN's RPV gathered intelligence on Faylaka Island's defenses
                         prior to evacuation of Iraqi EPWs.
                  Marine LAV strikes a land mine, killing one Marine, wounding three others.
                         Mine-clearing operations continue.
                  Over a thousand additional enemy prisoners of war surrender at Talil Air-
                         field. To-date, over 50,000 EPWs in custody.

3 March           CINCCENTCOM General Norman Schwarzkopf and Joint Forces Com-
                         mander General Prince Khalid bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz meet 7
                         Iraqi military officials, led by Deputy Chief of Staff LTGeneral Sul-
                         tan Hasheem Ailmad, at Saiwan Mrfield in occupied Iraq. After two
                         hour meeting, Iraqi military formally accepted all demands for a per-
                         manent cease-fire. Iraq agrees to immediate release of a small num-
                         her of POWs as a token of good faith, and to safety measures to
                         ensure that military forces do not accidentally engage each other with
                         hostile fire.
                  DOD announces defensive air reconnaissance and combat air patrol opera-
                         tions continue.
                  Naval forces continue defensive counter-air, reconnaissance, maritime inter-
                         ception and minesweeping operations.
                  Navy CH-46 helos with loudspeakers rounded-up 1405 surrendering Iraqi
                         troops on Faylaka Island. EPWs were ferried by helo to the USS
                         OGDEN (LPD-5) for further transport to Saudi EPW facilities.
                  62,000+ EPWs in custody to-date.
                  Twenty Iraqi aircraft, including F-is, MIG-21s, and 8 helos, were captured in
                         bunkers at Talil Airfield.


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