7 March (continuing)      LASALiE); twelve cruisers; eleven destroyers; ten frigates; four
                          mine warfare ships; thirty-one amphibious ships; thirty-two auxilia-
                          ries. Additionally, two hospital ships (MERCY and COMFORT) are
                          in the region and other military sealift ships. USS FORRESTAL
                          Battle Group is enroute to the region.
                    Maritime interception operations continue with 7,766 merchants challenged,
                          945 ships boarded, 48 diverted. The Navy has conducted 547 of the
                          boardings. USS MOOSBRUGGER diverts freighter in N. Red Sea.
                    Navy ships are also assisting commercial vessels navigate through northern
                          Arabian Gulf waters made potentially dangerous by mines.

8 March             Naval forces continue conducting defensive counter-air, surface surveillance,
                          maritime interceptions and minesweeping operations. Mter two
                          weeks of non-stop minesweeping operations, the port of Kuwait City
                          is safe enough to reopen.
                    The Federal Republic of Germany is sending minesweepers to the Arabian
                          Gulf to assist the Navy in clearing Iraqi.mines from Kuwaiti waters.
                    Marine ground forces continue to redeploy to defensive positions.
                    Two Marine F/A- 18 jets collided in mid-air over Saudi Arabia without
                          i~ur~~ to either pilot. Both pilots ejected and landed safely by para-
                    First Navy personnel from Arabian Gulf theater arrive In CONUS.
                    Due to changes in operational requirements, the activation of 321 Marine
                          Reservists has been cancelled.

9 March             Naval forces continue defensive counter-air, surface surveillance, maritime
                          interceptions and minesweeping operations.
                    Marine ground forces continue retrograde to defensive positions.
                    First USMC personnel from Arabian Gulf theater arrive in CONUS.

10 March            COMUSNAVCENT declares R-Day, the initial surge force reduction of
                     -    naval forces commencing in accordance with the CINCCENT rede-
                          ployment plan.
                    Naval forces continue defensive counter-air, surface surveillance, maritime
                          interceptions and minesweeping operations.
                    Marine ground forces continue retrograde to defensive positions.
                    21 repatriated American POWs, including LT Jeffrey Zaun, LT Robert
                          Wetzel, LT Randolph Slade (Navy), LTCOL Cliff Acree, Captain
                          Michael Berryman, CWO Guy Hunter, Jr., Captain Russell Sanborn,
                          and Major Joseph Small (USMC), arrive in CONUS.

11 March            USS SARATOGA and USS MIDWAY Carrier Battle Groups commence
                          redeployments to their respective homeports. USS SARATOGA
                          transits the Suez Canal enroute Mayport, Florida; USS MIDWAY
                          departs the Arabian Gulf enroute Yokosuka, Japan.
                    Naval forces continue defensive counter-air, combat air patrols, surface sur-
                          veillance, maritime interceptions and minesweeping operations.


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