6 March (continuing)      DOD announces cease-fire is holding, no incidents. Information
                          exchange on location of land and sea mines continues. Mine clearing
                          and equipment-collecting sweeps continue. To-date. 3.700 Iraqi tanks.
                          2.400+ armored personnel carriers. and 2.600+ artillery pieces have
                          been destroyed. damaged or captured.
                    Elements of 1st Marine Division withdraw from Kuwait to defensive posi-
                          tions in Saudi Arabia, 2d Marine Division shifts into 1st Marine
                          Division's former positions.
                    Naval forces continue to conduct defensive counter-air operations to protect
                          U.S. fleet, combat air patrols, maritime interceptions and minesweep-
                          ing to clear A' Ashwaba and other mined Kuwaiti ports. USS NEW
                          ORLEANS (LPH 11), an embarked mine countermeasures squadron
                          and four nune countermeasures ships, are leading minesweeping
                          activities, aided by ships from UK, Holland and Belgium.
                    USS WISCONSIN redeploys for home.
                    Marine AH-iJ Cobra helo is lost in a non-combat mishap. Both crewmem-
                          bers were injured. U.S. aircraft losses to-date: 57 (35 fixed-wing-27 in
                          combat, 8 in non-combat-and 22 helos-5 in combat, 17 in non-com
                          bat). To-date, 116,000+ sorties have been flown.
                    DOD revises U.S. casualty data: 115 KIA~ 2 (Died from combat wounds). 78
                          Non-combat fatalities. 338 WIA~ 26 MIA (5 Navy. 2 USMC).jL�~~
                    President Bush addresses joint session of Congress: ~I can report to the
                          nation: Aggression is defeated. The war is over."
                    DOD announces list of units in initial redeployment to home staflons:
                    U. S. NAVY
                          Medical staff (USNS MERCY,- USNS COMFORT, Fleet Hospital
                          Five (1,742 pers)-- to arrive in CONUS 8 March at various destina-
                          tions via Norfolk, Travis/Andrews AFB.
                          Naval Special Warfare Trng Grp 1(115 pers) - to NAB Coronado.
                          Naval Beach Group ONE (210 pers) - to NAS North Island.
                          -Amphibious Medical Support Unit (95 pers) - to Philadelphia.
                          303 Security Unit (15 pers) - to Andrews AFB.
                    U.S. MARINE CORPS
                          7th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (100 pers) - MCB, 29 Palms.
                          1st Battalion, 5th Marines (900 pers) - MCB, Camp Pendleton.
                          Regimental Combat Team 7 Det B (750 pers) - MCB, 29 Palms.
                          Surveillance, Recon Intell Grp 7 (150 pers) - MCB, Camp Pendleton.
                          Marine Air Grp 70 (150 pers) - MCB, Camp Pendleton.
                          Brigade Svc Support 0rp7 Det A (200 pers) - MCB, Camp Pendleton.
                          Brigade Svc Support Grp 7 Det B (50 pers) - MCB, Camp Pendleton.
                          3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines (600 pers) - MCAS, Kaneohe Bay.

7 March             Naval forces execute on-going defensive counter-air and other operations.
                    Navy ships in the region: Six aircraft carriers (SARATOGA, JOHN. F.
                          and AMERICA; two battleships (WISCONSIN - deploying enroute
                          home - and MISSOURI); two command ships (BLUE RIDGE AND


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