19 March (continuing)DOD announces remains of 4 U.S. personnel returned 13-March by Iraq
                         have been identified. They include Navy LT W. Thompson Costen
                         and LT Charles J. Turner.
                  DOD revises U.S. casualty data: 124 KIA. 2 (Died from combat wounds). 97
                         Non-combat fatalities. 357 WIA. 21 MIA (4 Navy. 0 USMC). 0 POW.
                  A USMC AV-8B conducting night training operations from the USS NAS-
                         SAU (LHA-4) crashed into the Red Sea. The uninjured pilot was
                         rescued by a small boat from the USS MANITOWOC (LsT-1180).

20 March          One of a flight of two Iraqi SU-22 Fitter jets was shot down, near Takrit,
                         Iraq. The other aircraft landed on its own after the engagement.
                         DOD states the Iraqi attempt to fly these two fighter aircraft is a
                         violation of terms agreed upon with Iraqi military officials during the
                         3 March military-to-military talks at Safwan.
                  Naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols and mine-
                         sweeping operations.
                  Marine ground forces hold defensive positions.
                  DOD reports over 454,500 U.S. personnel are in the theater (55,500+ Navy,
                         70,500+ USMC). To-date, 85,500+ personnel have redeployed to the
                         U.S. (29,500 Navy, 23,500 USMC).
                  Navy modifies "stop loss" policy allowing medical personnel and CTI Arabic
                         linguists involuntarily retained to be separated or retired on 1 April
                         1991, but not later than 1 June 1991.
                  U.S. Marine Corps demobilizes 1,424 Reservists.

21 March          At D +63, Naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols,
                         minesweeping and maritime interception operations. 8,122 intercepts,
                         1,032 boardings and 52 ships diverted to-date.
                  There are 51 Navy ships in the Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman and Northern
                         Arabian Sea, 22 Navy ships in the Red Sea, and 13 Navy ships in the
                  USNS MERCY departs Arabian Gulf, enroute Oakland homeport.
                  Marine ground forces hold defensive positions.
                  DOD reports over 450,000 U.S. personnel are in the theater (55,500+ Navy,
                         70,000+ USMC). To-date, 90,000+ personnel have redeployed to the
                         U.S. (29,500 Navy, 24,000 USMC).
                  Approximately 200 Naval Reservists have been demobilized to-date.
                  DOD revises U.S. casualty data: 124 MA. 2 (Died from combat wounds).
                         102 Non-combat fatalities. 357 WI~ 21 MIA (4 Navy. 0 USMC). 0
                  Navy Cargo Handling and Port Group and Naval Reserve Cargo Training
                         Battalion arrives at Naval Supply Center, Williamsburg VA. During
                         seven month deployment, the cargo handlers offloaded and back-
                         loaded over 75 Maritime Prepostioning Ships and breakbulk ships
                         with supplies ranging from ammunition to heavy vehicles. The "com-
                         bat stevedores" offloaded one ship every three days.


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