22 March          An Iraqi SU-22 Fitter, one of a flight of two aircraft, was shot down near
                        Kirkuk. The second aircraft, a PC-7 propeller-driven, single engine
                        trainer was not engaged, but the pilot ejected after the Fitter was shot
                        down. This is the second breach of agreed terms.
                  Naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols, minesweep-
                        ing and maritime interception operations.
                  Marine ground forces hold defensive positions.
                  DOD reports over 445,000 U.S. personnel are in the theater (55,300+ Navy,
                        67,500+ USMC). To-date, 95,000 + personnel have redeployed to the
                        U.S. (29,500 Navy, 26,500 USMC).
                  Fast Sealift Ship USNS BELLAThIX departs Saudi Arabia enroute to
                        Savannah GA with first cargo on-load of equipment returning to
                        CONUS. Load consists primarily of equipment from U.S. Army's 24th
                        (Mechanized) Infantry Division. Eight other MSC ships are loaded
                        out, scheduled to depart.
                  USS MACDONOUGH {DDG-39) and USS NICHOLAS (FFG-47) arrives
                        at NAVBASE Charleston SC homeport, the first Navy surface com-
                        batants to return to CONUS. During six-month deployment to the
                        Arabian Gulf, both ships enforced United Nations resolutions by
                        challenging over 600 commercial ships and boarding many ships in
                        search of contraband; escorted and protected numerous ships and
                        planes returning from raids in Iraq and Kuwait; and conducted at-sea
                        rescues of downed pilots. As the northern-most ship in the coalition
                        task force, USS NICHOLAS and embarked helos conducted the first
                        surface attack on Iraqi anti-aircraft sites and captured the first enemy
                        prisoners of war.
                  Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (Light) 44, Detachment Eight, arrives
                        at NAYSTA Mayport FL homeport. During six-month embark
                        aboard USS NICHOLAS, squadron &aw considerable action against
                        Iraqi forces and executed the first helicopter missile attack, captured
                       - the first enemy prisoners of war, rescued a downed pilot in the Ara-
                        bian Gulf, discovered/destroyed mines, and conducted hundreds of
                        merchant vessel identifications and/or challenges enforcing United
                        Nations trade sanctions.

23 March          Naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols, minesweep-
                        ing and maritime interception operations.
                  Marine ground forces hold defensive positions.
                  USS YELLOWSTONE (AD-41) arrives at NAVBASE Pearl Harbor
                        home port. During eight-month deployment to the Mediterranean and
                        Red Seas, the destroyer tender provided repair, supply, logistics and
                        personnel support including the completion of over 10,000 repair jobs
                        on 30 U.S. and coalition ships, as well as the first time transportation
                        of aircraft and transferring missiles.


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