26 March (continuing)DOD reports over 411,500 U.S. personnel are in the theater (43,000+
                         Navy, 60,500+ USMC). To-date, 128,500 personnel have redeployed
                         to the U.S. (42,000 Navy, 33,500 USMC)
                   To-date, 393 Naval Reservists have been demobilized.
                   DOD revises U.S. casualty data: 124 KiA~ 2 (Died from combat wounds).
                         107 Non-combat fatalities. 357 WIA. 21 MIA (4 Navy. 0 USMC). 0

27 March           Naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols, mine sweep-
                         ing, and maritime interceptions operations.
                   USS HALYBURTON (FFG-40) diverts a freighter in the N. Red Sea.
                   Marine ground forces hold defensive positions.
                   Fast Sealift Ship USNS ALTMR departs Saudi Arabia for CONUS with
                         equipment. 23 other MSC ships are loaded out and underway.
                   The first Navy air combatants to return to CONUS, Carrier Mr Wing 3 and
                         Carrier Air Wing 17, embarked on US~ KENNEDY and USS SARA-
                         TOGA (respectively), arrive at homepofls:
                   NAS, Oceana VA            Attack Squadron 75
                                             Fighter Squadron 14
                                             Fighter Squadron 32
                   NAS, Norfolk VA           Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 126
                   NAS, Cecil Field FL       Attack Squadron 46
                                             Attack Squadron 72
                   Carrier Air Wing 3 flew more than 11,000 sorties, totalling nearly 33,000
                         flight hours, during the seven and a half-month deployment. Squad-
                         rons flew nearly 3,000 combat missions totalling 11,000 + combat
                         hours, and delivered 3.5 million pounds of ordnance on enemy targets
                         in Iraq and Kuwait. The air wing had no aircraft or personnel losses
                         during combat operations.

                   NAS, Oceana VA            Attack Squadron 35
                                             Fighter Squadron 74
                                             Fighter Squadron 103
                   NAS, Norfolk VA           Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 125
                   NAS, Cecil Field FL       Strike Fighter Squadron 81
                                             Strike Fighter Squadron 83
                   Carrier Air Wing 17 flew 12,500 sorties and 33,500 flight hours during the
                         nearly eight-month deployment. Squadrons flew 2,694 combat mis-
                         sions and delivered 4,047,000 pounds of ordnance on enemy targets.
                         Th-e air wing scored the Navy's only air-to-air enemy aircraft kills of
                         the conflict, but had three of its aircraft shot down.

28 March           At D +70, naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols,
                         minesweeping, and maritime interception operations.
                   USS WILLIAM V. PRATT (DDG-44) diverts a freighter in the N. Red Sea.
                   Marine ground forces hold defensive positions.


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