28 March (continuing)The first Navy carrier batt~e groups to return to CONUS, USS JOHN F.
                        KENNEDY and USS SARATOGA, arrive at homeports:
                  Norfolk VA:
                  USS JOHN F. KENNEDY (CV-67), the 4th carrier deployed, departed with
                        just five days notice, leading a seven-and-a-half month battle group
                        deployment that maintained a close watch on shipping in the Red Sea
                        and launched 11,000+ combat sorties against Iraq. Aircraft from USS
                        JOHN F. KENNEDY conducted the first war-time use of the Stand-
                        off Land Attack Missile (SLAM), and battle group ship USS SAN
                        JACINTO fired the first TOMAAAWK cruise missile against Iraq.
                        During the 226 day deployment, USS JOHN F. KENNEDY was
                        underway for 196 days, travelled 50,000 miles, and made the first-ever
                        aircraft carrier Red Sea port visits to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and
                        Hurghada, Egypt.
                  USS MISSISSIPPI (CGN-40) conducted operations as part of the Maritime
                        Intercept Force Red Sea escort unit. During a seven-and-a-half
                        month deployment, the cruiser's crew boarded 73 merchant ships to
                        enforce U.N. sanctions and fired TOMAHAWK cruise missiles on
                        Iraqi targets.
                  USS SAN JACINTO (CO-S 6) conducted maritime intercept operations
                        preventing cargo shipments to or from Iraq and served as the anti-
                        warfare commander protecting the Red Sea battle force from
                        preemptive Iraqi or terrorist attacks. On 16 January, USS SAN
                        JACINTO made naval history by firing the first TOMAHAWK cruise
                        missile in combat to support air strikes by USS JOHN F. KEN-
                        NEDY and USS SARATOGA. The AEGIS cruiser completed its
                        seven-and-a-half month deployment protecting the battle force from
                        any Iraqi air strikes.
                  USS THOMAS S. GATES (CO-S 1) conducted operations in the Maritime
                        Intercept Force, and under the command of Destroyer Squadron 36,
                        the Red Sea escort cruiser played a decisive role in maritime intercep-
                        tions during OPERA~ON DESERT SIlIELD and DESERT
                  Newport RI:
                  USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS (FFG-58) conducted operations with the Red
                        Sea Maritime Interception Force working cooperatively with an
                        international force of ships to enforce U.N. sanctions against Iraq.
                        The frigate alone conducted over 100 boardings of merchant ships to
                        prevent cargo shipments to or from Iraq.
                  Colts Neck NJ:
                  USS SEATTLE (AOE-3), a fast combat support ship, provided the ships of
                        the USS JOHN F. KENNEDY Battle Group with fuel, ammunition
                        and stores during the seven-and-a-half month deployment.


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