28 March (continuing)Mayport FL:
                  USS SARATOGA (CV-60), the 3rd carrier deployed, led a high-speed
                        transit of the Atlantic to the gulf region, making the normally ten-day
                        voyage in seven days -- the fastest Atlantic crossing since World War
                        II. On station, the battle group units were strategically positioned to
                        guard the northern and southern Red Sea entrances, then conducted
                        the most successful maritime interdiction operation ever undertaken
                        by the U.S., challenging 1,500+ merchants ships, intercepting and
                        boarding 242, and diverting 13 from delivering contraband cargo.
                        Following the tragic drownings of 21 crewmembers during a holiday
                        port visit to Haifa, Israel, the carrier launched around-the-clock
                        strikes on targets in Iraq and occupied Kuwait, registering 1Z664
                        sorties, 11,700 launchings, 217 days underway, and only 20 days in
                  USS PHILIPPINE SEA (CG-58) escorted the USS SARATOGA across the
                        Atlantic and through the Suez Canal -- eventually becoming the first
                        Navy ship to ever-transit the Suez Canal six times -- to join the Mari-
                        time Interception Force in the Gulf of Aqaba. On two occasions
                        while enforcing U.N. sanctions, USS PHIwPINE SEA fired warning
                        shots from its five-inch batteries and .50 caliber machine guns to stop
                        vessels seeking to elude the quarantine. With the onset of hostilities,
                        the guided missile cruiser, fired its TOMAHAWK cruise missiles at
                        targets in Iraq before assuming operational duties.
                  USS SPRUANCE (DD-963) conducted assignments ranging from good-will
                        visits to submarine hunting to firing its TOMAHAWK cruise missiles
                        against targets in northern Iraq to assisting in the evacuation of the
                        American Embassy in Beirut. In addition the destroyer operated as a
                        member of the Maritime Interception Force, boarding three mer-
                        chants and diverting one before completing its nearly eight-month de-
                  USS SAMPSON (DDG-10) performed the final Adams class guided missile
                        destroyer deployment as a unit of the Maritime Interception Force,
                        conducting the first boarding and search of a merchant during OP-
                        ERA~ON DESERT SHIELD and the first diversion of a ship with
                        prohibited cargo. Mter conducting the first-ever exercise ASROC
                        shot in the Red Sea, USS SAMPSON operated with ships of various
                        NATO navies conducting surveillance and protection of shipping in
                        the approaches to the Suez Canal.
                  USS ELMER MONTGOMERY (FF-1082) fired the first warning shots by
                        U.S. forces during an interception and was the first ship in theater to
                        conduct 100 boardings. The fast frigate also diverted 6 merchants
                        with prohibited cargo, supported by embarked Helicopter Squadron
                        (Light) 36, Detachment 9, before assuming anti-air warfare defense of
                        the Suez Canal and Mediterranean.


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