30 March            Naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols, minesweep-
                           ing and maritime interception operations.
                    Marine ground forces hold defensive positions.
                    USS PRINCETON (CG-59) and crew awarded Combat Action Ribbon in
                           recognition of the superior and arduous work the crew put in to keep
                           the ship in war-fighting status following the 18 February mining of the
                           ship. USS PRINCETON continues to undergo repairs.

31 March            Naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols, minesweep-
                           ing and maritime interception operations.
                    Marine ground forces hold defensive positions.
                    USS KA! AMA7OO (AOR-6) transits Suez Canal enroute CONUS.

1 April             Naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols, minesweep-
                           ing and maritime interception operations.
                    Marine ground forces hold defensive positions.
                    USS MARVIN SHIELDS (FF-1066), the first West coast ship to return to
                           CONUS, arrives at San Diego CA homeport. During a six-and one-
                           half month deployment, the frigate participated in merchant intercept
                           operations in support of U.N. resolutions, acted as an escort/screen
                           ship for the combined battle force, and assisted in training Kuwaiti
                           Naval Forces as the coalition force prepared for possible hostilities.

2 Ap~ril            Naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols, minesweep-
                           ing and maritime interception operations.
                    To-date, 8,598 merchants have been challenged, 1,110 boarded and 58 di-
                           verted Navy has conducted 581 boardings.
                    Marine ground forces hold defensive positions.
                    DOD reports over 373,900 U.S. personnel are in the theater (42,500 + Navy,
                           54,500+ USMC). To-date, 167,000+ have redeployed to the U.S.
                           (42,500 Navy, 39,500 US MC).
                    There are 44 Navy ships in the Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, and Northern
                           Arabian Sea. There are 13 Navy ships in the Red Sea. There are 25
                           Navy ships in the Mediterranean.
                    DOD revises U.S. casualty data: 139 KIA- 2 (Died from combat woun~~)�
                           111 Non-combat fatalities. 357 `vIA- 6 MIA (3 Navy. 0 USMC~
                    196,495 National Guard and reservists are on active duty (18,038 Navy,
                           27,670 USMC).
                    To-date, 1,081 Naval and 2,878 Marine Reservists have been demobilized.
                    USS CHICAGO (SSN-721) arrives at San Diego CA homeport. During a
                           six-month deployment, the attack submarine worked with U.S. and
                           coalition forces deployed to the Southwest Asia area of operations.
                    A total of 13 Navy submarines conducted surveillance and reconnaissance
                           operations in support of OPERATION DESERT SHIELD and DES-
                           ERT STORM. Two, USS LOUISVILLE (SSN-724) and USS PITI'S-
                           BURGH (SSN-720), conducted submarine-launched TOMAHAWK
                           cruise missile attacks against Iraq.


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