3 April           By 12-1 vote, U.N. Security Council approves Resolution 687 to formally end
                                Gulf War. Terms, which become effective when Iraq agrees, are:
                          * Iraq must give up weapons of mass destruction. U.N. will inspect and
                                monitor the destruction and removal of chemical, biological and
                                nuclear weapons. Iraq forbidden from using, developing or acquiring
                                any additional weapons.
                          * Iraq must compensate Kuwait for war damages, including environmental.
A                         * Establishment of a demilitarized zone extending 6 miles into Iraq, 3 miles
                                into Kuwait. U.N. observer unit will monitor.
                          * Recognizes and guarantees 1963 borders between Iraq and Kuwait.
                          * Requires Iraq to condemn and renounce terrorism, halt support for inter-
                                national terrorism, forbids terrorist organizations from operating on
                                Iraqi territory.
                          Naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols, minesweep-
                                ing and maritime interception operations.
                          Marine ground forces hold defensive positions.
                          USS AMERICA (CV-66), USS NORMANDY (CG-60), and USS WILLIAM
                                V. PRATT (DDG-44) transit Suez Canal enroute CONUS.
                          VADM Stanley R. Arthur, Commander U.S. Naval Forces Central Corn-
                                mand/Commander Seventh Fleet, RADM Raynor A-K. Taylor,
                                Commander Middle East Force and RADM Robert Sutton, Corn-
                                mander U.S. Naval Logisflcs Support Force are awarded the Order of
                                Bahrain, First Degree by the Arnir of Bahrain for their outstanding
                                professional contributions during OPERA~ON DESERT STORM.

        4 April           At D +77, naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols,
                                minesweeping and maritime interception operations. To-date, 8,645
                                merchant ships have been challenged, 1,116 boarded and 59 diverted.
                                The Navy has conducted 582 boardings.
                          There are 42 Navy ships in the Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman and Northern
                                Arabian Sea. There are 10 Navy ships in the Red Sea. There are 21
                                Navy ships in the Mediterranean.
                          Marine ground forces hold defensive positions, continue redeployments.
                          DOD reports there are 365,000+ U.S. personnel in the theater (42,500+
                                Navy, 52,000+ USMC). To-date, 175,000+ have redeployed to the
                                U.S. (42,500 Navy, 42,000 USMC).
                          To-date, 1,081 Naval and 4,245 Marine Reservists have been demobilized;
                                18,038 Naval and 26,303 Marine Reservists are on active duty.
                          DOD revises U.S. casualty data: 139 MA- 2 (Died from combat wounds).
                                113 Non-combat fatalities. 357 WIA- 6 MIA (3 Navy. 0 USMC). 0

                          Sealift update: To-date, 33 MSC ships have loaded out (totalling 135,000
                                tons of cargo and equipment) or have been turned around are under-
                                way to CONUS. This includes Fast Sealift Ships USNS BELLATRIX,
                                USNS ALTAIR, and USNS REGULUS plus 12 Ready Reserve Force
                                ships, two Prepositioning Ships, 15 charters and one ship under MSC
                                charter. 36 MSC ships are loading or waiting to load.


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