Allied Contributions
By February 1,1991, 32 countries had joined the United States in the coalition against Iraq
and had pledged enough money to fund 80 percent of the war effort.  In all, 13 countries and
the Afghan Mujahedeen had committed combat forces.

L     Country                 Personnel               Equipment              Money
 Afghan Mujahedeen     2,000 troops

 Argentina                                       2 ships,
                                                 2 transport aircraft

 Australia             medical/surgical team     3 ships

 Bangladesh            3,000 troops

 Belgium               50 medical                4 transport aircraft
                                                 2,800 hospital beds
                                                 3 minesweepers
                                                 1 frigate
                                                 18 Mirage-S aircraft

 Bulgaria              1 unit army engineers

 Canacta               medical/surgical team     CF- 18 fighters
                                                 3 ships
                                                 air defense aircraft
                                                 transport aircraft

 Czechoslovakia        400 medical

 Denmark                                         1 corvette

 Egypt                 30,000 troops

 France                11,500 ground troops      3 frigates
                       2,500 transport/support   3 destroyers.
                       4,500 extra ground,       1 patrol boat
                       stationed in Dijbouti     2 tankers
                                                 1 support ship
                                                 1 transport
                                                 54 combat aircraft
 Germany               580 soldiers to operate   Minesweepers &          $9B
                       air defense systems in    other ships             ($3.5B paid
                       Turkey                    18 Alpha jets in        $5.5B pledged)

 Gr~~e                                           1 frigate

 Hungary               medical personnel


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