Country             Personnel            Equipment             Money

Italy                                      3 frigates
                                           2 corvettes
                                           8 fighter aircraft

Japan                                                            $11B pledged

Kuwait              7,000 ground troops    35 combat aircraft    $21B
                                                                 ($2.5B paid

Morocco             1,700 troops

Netherlands                                2 frigates
                                           1 fast combat ship
                                           1 emergency hospital
                                           2 squadrons Patriot
                                             missiles to Turkey
                                           2 squadrons Hawk air
                                             defense missiles
                                           2 P-3 Orion aircraft
                                           $33M in ammunition

New Zealand         medical/surgical team  aircraft

Niger               400 troops

Norway                                     1 coast guard ship

Pakistan            11,000 troops

Philippines         medical personnel

Poland                                     military field hospital
                                           1 hospital ship
Portugal                                   1 naval supply ship

Romania             medical team and anti-
                    chemical warfare


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