DESERT STORM U.S. Navy Surface Warfare Operations

This time line includes selected items of U.S. Navy suiface waffare force operations or
partictpation as they appeared in the daily CNO SITREPS from 17 JAN 90 to 4 MAR 91.
it is not all- in clusive and generally aoes not include Maritime Interception Force (MIF)
operations or aircrc4t operations conducted from carriers. It's purpose is to portray `what
the U.S. Navy suiface warfare forces were doing" during the air and ground campaigns.
Since it is comprised of initial daily information, inaccuracies may appear that &) not reflect
the real story after further review of events, correlation of sources and later baale damage
assessment (BDA.)  Information is as of 0600 local on the listed date. A summary of
signzficant operations conducted by the surface warfare forces is also presented.

17 JAN 91 (D-DAY)
       -      Operation DESERT STORM commenced at i7ooooz with cruise missile
              launches. USS San Jacinto launched first mAM.
       -      Initial assessment has 51 of 52 mAM's successfully launched.
       -      USS Spruance and USS Virginia have been placed under CINCCENT

18JAN91 (D+1)
       -      Current assessment has 100 of 106 mAM's successfully launched.
       -      Combat forces Yankee (Th-155) and Zulu (m-154) conducted mAM
              strikes on Iraqi targets.

19 JAN 9-1 (D+2)
       -      Combat forces Yankee (Th- 155) (Red Sea) and Zulu (Th- 154) (Persian
              Gulf) conductedmAM strikes on Iraqi targets.
       -      VQ-2 EP-3 tasked to provide I&W to USS Virginia and USS Spruance
              during evacuation of US Embassy in Beirut. All embassy personnel
              departed safely, without incident.

20 JAN 91 (D+3)
       -      Combat forces Yankee (`fl~-155) and Zulu (Th-154) continued to conduct
              mAM strikes (34) on Iraqi targets.
       -      Nicholas with AHIPS (Army helo) and Kuwait gunboat attacked enemy
              personnel on Dorra oil field platforms. Total of 9 platforms neutralized.
              Up to 23 POW's captured.
       -      Leyte Gulf entered Arabian Gulf late 19 JAN.

23 JAN 91 (D+6)
       -      Exercise &ea Soldier IV continues. An amphibious demonstration is
              scheduled 23 JAN using LCAC and helo's.

       -      Exercise Sea Soldier IV preparation continues. Landings scheduled 22-24
              JAN with practice D-Day landings 26 JAN.
       -      Navy priorities: Seek out/destroy Iraqi naval units. Monitor oil platform-s
              and attack when Iraqi military presence detected.

26 JAN 91 (D+9)
       -      Navy intentions: Seek out and destroy Iraqi naval units.
       -      Amphibious rehearsal (Sea Solder IV) continues. D-Day rehearsal landing
              scheduled for a.m. 26 JAN.


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