27 JAN 91 (D+10)
       -      Navy intentions: Seek out and destroy fraqi naval units.
       -      Conducted amphibious assault rehearsal landing in Oman as part of Sea
              Soldier IV. Maneuvers ashore continue through 2 FEB.

30 JAN 91 (D+13)
       -      Navy and Marine forces engaged approx. 20 Iraqi small boats west of
              Maradin Island. Several boats reported destroyed.

4 FEB 91 (D+18)
       -      Missouri with Curts, Nicholas and two RSNF escorts are operating near the
              Saudi-Kuwaiti border.
       -      Missouri destroyed a communications bunker with seven 16-inch rounds.

5 FEB 91 (D+19)
       -      Th-156 completed Sea Soldier IV backload, hot wash up and lessons
              learned being applied to Desert Saber amphibious assault planning.
       -      Missouri will continue NGFS to MARCENT. NAVCENT may rotate
              Wisconsin into area after Missouri departs.

6 FEB 91 (D+20)
       -      Missouri continued NGFS for MARCENT, attacking gun emplacements, a
              radar control site and a SIGINT site. NAYCENT will rotate Wisconsin into
              area today.
       -      NAVCENT intends to reposition America and seven supporting ships to
              Gulf of Oman/North Arabian Sea NLT 13 FEB.

7 FEB 91 (D+2l)
       -      Th-156 is scheduled to commence amphibious training today (through 14
              FEB) at Al Hamra, UAE.
       -      Missouri (joined by Wisconsin) continued NGFS for MARCENT, hitting
              targets north of Khafji.

       -      Th-156 is conducting resupply, maintenance and practice amphibious
              training today (through 14 FEB) at Al Hamra, UAE.
       -      Wisconsin relieved Missouri and continued NGFS for MARCENT, hitting
              an artillery emplacement north of.Khafji.
       -      Th-15l will continue full-time NGFS off Kuwait until 9 FEB.
       -      Spruance (48 TLAM) transits Suez Canal today enroute NRS replacing
              Philippine Sea (15 TLAM.)

9 FEB 91 (D+23)
       -      An OPORD has been issued by CINCCENT to NAYCENT to prepare for
              amphibious operations. Establishment of an Amphibious Objective Area
              (AOA), pre-assault planning, mine counterrneasures (MCM), naval gunfire
              support (NGFS) ordered. AOA recommendations due to CINCCENT by 8
       -,     U.S. Navy SEALS conducted underwater recon of area west of Maradin
              Island and will recon to confirm SCUD decoys.
       -      USS Wisconsin fired NGF in support of USMC near Khafji and fired 24
              16-inch rounds on patrol boats in Mina Saud harbor. Boats sunk- (8),


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