damaged- (5), one pier destroyed. Expended 24 rounds against artillery,
             command post and infantry.

11FEB91 (D+25)
       -     America BO chopped from Th-155 to TF-154, E~IR Hormuz 14 FEB.

12 FEB 91 (D+26)
       -     Iraqs one remaining OSA ~G is located at Umm Qasr Naval Base. All
             five TNC-45 and FPB37 Exocet-capable PB's are assessed as destroyed.
       -     Missouri returns to fire support area near Al Khafji to support MARCENT
             ops 12FEB.

13 FEB 91 (D+27)
       -     In support of MARCENT, Missouri destroyed command bunker and
             antenna complex.
       -     TF-156 and Th-158: Conducted ashore training in UAE including live
             firing. Making final prep for amphibious landing, if ordered.
       -     JCS has modified CONUS CV readiness posture, rescinding requirement
             for 3 additional CV's to be in increased readiness posture.

14FEB 91 (D+28)
       -     No enemy naval activity.
       -     America BG enroute Arabian Gulf, transiting strait of Hormuz.
       -     Th-156/158 (amphibs) commenced backload from UAE training area.
       -     Wisconsin assumed NGFS in support of MARCENT. Missouri on seven
             hour tether.
       -     USN elements conducted recon of Kuwaiti coast using rubber duck
             insertion. Assisted by MH-53's.

15 FEB 91 (D+29)
       -     No enemy air or naval activity. Enemy coastal radars have been more active
             in past two days, suggesting fear of amphibious attack.
       -     Th-156/158 (amphibs): Faylaka Island raid planning/rehearsal to
             commence 15 FEB.
       -     Th- 151: Tripoli and mine warfare ships enroute Northern Arabian Gulf for
            -* MCM ops in support of possible amphibious ops. NGFS BB's on seven
             hour tether.

16FEB91 (D+3O)
       -     Enemy naval activity further reduced following heavy patrol craft attrition
             vicinity of Faylaka Island on 13 FEB.
       -     Th- 156 departed training area for ATh Box, preparing for amphibious raid
             on Faylaka Island, if ordered.
       -     `IF-151 to commence MCM ops in Faylaka FSA.
17 FEB 91 (D+31)
       -     `IF- 156 standing by to execute Faylaka Island raid if ordered.

18FEB 91 (D+32)
       -     USS Princeton struck a suspected moored mine in NAG at 180417Z. Three
             personn~l with injuries transferred to HMS Argus. Nodanger of sinking.
             Survey teams from salvage ship USS Beaufort aboard.
       -     USS Tripoli struck a mine in NAG at 18O135Z. No personnel injuries.
             Some flooding forward (contained.) No damage above water line. Ship


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