This final Pesticide Environmental Exposure Report reflects the current body of knowledge on the use of pesticides during the Gulf War, the levels of exposure experienced by various groups of Gulf War veterans, the potential health effects associated with these exposures, and the lessons learned on the use, application, and management of pesticides by military personnel. This information was previously published as an interim report released on March 1, 2001. This final report incorporates changes and additions to the interim report.

The Environmental Exposure Report is comprised of a main body and 11 tabs. The main body contains information on the background issues associated with pesticide use during the Gulf War. It also includes a discussion of the health effects associated with exposure to pesticides and a non-technical summary of the health risk assessment that was developed to estimate the potential for health consequences from exposures to pesticides. Tabs A, B, and C include the acronyms, abbreviations, glossary, bibliography and methodology. Tab D is the complete health risk assessment, which is a highly technical report. Tabs E through J contain information used to support and expand the discussion of selected topics presented in the main body, including a description of DoD guidance on the use, application, and management of pesticides; additional information on fly baits and delousing operations; procurement, storage, and distribution practices used in handling pesticides during the Gulf War; and benchmark toxicological data on selected pesticides. The substantive changes made to the interim report to produce the final report are presented as Tab K.

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