Baker, D.G. et al. Serial Corticotropin-Releasing
Hormone Levels and Adrenocortical Activity in Combat Veterans With Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder. Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Study
done to determine the relationship between symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder and levels of adrenocortical activity and corticotropin releasing
Barkhuizen, Andre et al. Neuroendocrine
Testing of Deployed Persian Gulf War Veterans With Unexplained Musculoskeletal
Symptoms. Portland Environmental Hazards Research Center. Discusses
the importance of neuroendocrine dysfunction and its role in providing
information about the influence of stress in veterans with unexplained
Clauw, D. et al. Physiologic Abnormalities in Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome, and Gulf War Illness. Georgetown University Medical Center.
Discusses the similarities between individuals who became ill in association
with Gulf War deployment with civilians with conditions like fibromyalgia
and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Davis, S. Diane PhD, MD et al. Neurally Mediated Hypotension in Fatigued
Gulf War Veterans. Preventative Medicine, Internal Medicine, Evans U.S.Army
Community Hospital. Study done to determine if veterans of the Gulf War
suffering from chronic fatigue have abnormal responses to head-up tilt.
Engel, Charles C. Jr. MD, MPH et al. Can PTSD Cause Physical Symptoms?
A Hypothesis Screen Using Registry Data. Gulf War Health Center, Walter
Reed Army Medical Center. Study that uses data from a registry of Gulf
War veterans with war-related health concerns and the relationship of
PTSD to physical symptoms independent of environmental exposures and medical
Everson, Michael P. et al. PTSD
and Immune Dysregulation in Gulf War Veterans. Department of Veterans
Affairs Medical Center, AL. Discusses the effects that stress has
on the immune system of Gulf War veterans in an attempt to link stress
and immune dysfunction.
Morgan, J.E. PhD. et al. The Relationship
Between Gulf War Illness and PTSD: Unequivocal Evidence of Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder In A Sample of Gulf War Combat Veterans. Gulf War Research
Center. Study done to determine if the diagnosis of PTSD is over reported
and the need to utilize appropriate testing procedures.
Natelson, BH et al. Altered
Immune Status In Gulf Veterans But Not Civilians With Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome. Center For Environmental Hazards Research. Study done comparing
immunological parameters of Gulf veterans and civilians with case definition
of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to see if immune dysregulation plays a role
in the initiation of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Peckerman, Arnold PhD. et al
Cardiovascular Hyporeactivity and Immune System Functioning In Gulf War
Veterans with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. East Orange DVA Medical Center.
Study done to determine if centrally-originating abnormalities in sympathetic
control of circulation contribute to symptoms in Gulf veterans with Chronic
fatigue syndrome and examines for alterations in immune functioning in
gulf vets with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as a factor in autonomic dysregulation.