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File: aabap_06.txt
Page: 06
Total Pages: 6

				UNCLASSIFIED						 #5 
	p. Project 84-0023, install security devices, was accepted as complete with no  
construction deficiencies on 30 Jan 91. 
	a. The Chapel staff and two personnel from Supply underwent refresher Buddy Care  
Training on 28 Jan 91. Sgt Virginia Hayes, the CSG Buddy Care Instructor, conducted the  
	a. Lt Phillips went TDY to Lowry AFB, attending the Disaster Preparedness  
	b. Upon request of 16 AF, four Saber radios, one single charger and two spare  
batteries were sent to Moron AB, Spain. 
	a. AlC Sakosits arrived PCS on 27 Jan 91. AlC Walker arrived on 27 Jan, TDY for  
90 days. 
	b. Received a phone call from HQ USAFE/DOO, Chief Burkey, stating that he will  
maintain a requirement for three TDY flight data specialists. He also stated that  
over three TDY personnel will be extended to complete a 179 day tour with us. 
	c. Met with SAF on the subject of hazardous cargo. A staff summary sheet was  
submitted on this subject. 
	d. NASA informed us that the next shuttle launch was moved to 7 Mar 91. They  
are also requesting on-base quarters. 
	e. We are still waiting for a cost estimate on our teletype link to Madrid ATC. 
	f. Temporary repairs are still holding. Expecting additional material next week  
for more repairs. 
	g. The instrument landing system's middle marker was decommissioned. NOTAM  
issued to that effect. 
	h. Adjacent building for aircrews was sited and decided to only use two sec- 
	i. Trying to expedite work order #10029, Exhaust Fan, for the ladies room. A  
vent fan is on order. 
P. LEE HARVEY, Lt Col, USAF 				Attachments 
Commander 							1. Current Billeting Status 
								2. Daily Contract Qtrs 

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