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File: aabap_05.txt
Page: 05
Total Pages: 6

				UNLASSIFIED					  #5 
tractor in order to permit a new contractor to repair them. Current status of #5 is  
50% and behind schedule. 
	b. Continued runway, taxiway, and apron sweeping operation, twelve hours per  
day, seven days a week to prevent FOD to aircraft. (Desert Storm support.) 
	c. Continued cleaning and servicing of five portable latrines three times week 
ly. (Desert Storm support.) 
	d. The installation of fillstand capabilities at facility 512 to further expe- 
dite aircraft refueling support is still in progress and is presently about 50%  
complete. ECD: 15 Feb 91 (Desert Storm support.) 
	e. The installation of the horizontal wire for the triple strand concertina  
continues as well as the installation of additional barrels for security purposes.  
Work will be completed when final 40 rolls of wire arrive. (Desert Storm support.) 
	f. Completed pavement repairs in parallel taxiway. Work area was approximately  
600 feet in length. (Desert Storm support.) 
	g. Removed expansion joint sealant at the LOX Plant. This will permit a con- 
tractor to install new sealant material furnished by CAMS. (Note: Original sealant 
material proved to be defective contrary to vendor's certificate that the sealant was 
LOX compatible.) 
	h. Overhaul of pump number 3 in reservoir's pump house was accomplished. 
	i. Overhaul of water plant equipment: rapid mix; flocculation, and sedimenta- 
tion tank (lea) and sand filters agitators was initiated and is about 20% complete. 
	j. Installed TV cable to facilities 680 and 613. BCE inserted this work into 
the approved schedule. Comm Sq. arranged for delivery of remaining material. 
(Desert Storm support.) 
	k. Completed plumbing and electrical installation for washers and dryers in  
facility 805 (bath house). PAE used its impress fund to support the urgency.  
(Desert Storm support.) 
	1. Completed plumbing and electrical installation for washers and dryers in  
facility 805 (bath house). PAE used its impress fund to support the urgency. 
(Desert Storm support.) 
	m. Performed sheet metal and electrical work in Officers' Club (bldg 902) to 
support a courts martial requirement. 
	n. Liquid Fuels mechanic worked eight hours overtime during the weekend to 
correct electrical problems in POL pump houses. (Desert Storm support.) 
	o. With one day notice BCE estimated and ordered material to install piping for two new  
fuel filter units on base. The walk-through was at LGC on 30 Jan 91.  
(Desert Storm support.) 
				UNCLASSFIED						5

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