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File: aabar_05.txt
Page: 05
Total Pages: 5


	n. Initiated AF Form 9, Request for Purchase, for the fabrication of flanges, 
couplings, and funnel type reductions for the installation of fuel filters in LA 
Muela pipeline. This complements field fabrication work being performed by BCE 
shops. ECD for all aspects is 13 Feb 91. (Desert Storm support.)

	o. The problem of the power outage requirement for proJect 86-0059, which pro
vides an emergency generator at the receiver site, has been resolved. The contractor 
will be paid for delivered materials and will make final connections when Desert 
Storm allows for a two - day power outage.


	a. The National Prayer Luncheon went very well. The changing of the location 
did not seem to affect the event too much. There were 140 attendees. We were very 
pleased with the outcome of the luncheon.

	b. The chapel staff reviewed AFR 35-53 and a DOD Directive in reference to the 
subject of religious accommodations in the Air Force at the chapel staff meeting on 6 
Feb 91. We reviewed this material as a staff so that we are better aware of the 
religious accommodations available to military personnel.

	c. The chapel staff played a key role in the casualty training of the clinic 
personnel provided by Capt Hickman by providing a video that provides training in the 
area of casualty response as well as providing information at the forum with Ch 
Suhoza, Ch Boleyn, Capt Hickman, and Capt Morales from the clinic.


	a. B-1 taxiway continues to cause problems. We are limiting use to as few
aircraft as possible until we can fix it. Need two days without rain to fix problem.

	b. Much activity on airfield this week. SAC flying has increased. MAC flying 
is steady. SAF is flying F-18 and C-130 missions. Navy C-9 flying MAC missions to 

c. SAF teletypes went down for two hours on Wednesday; problem fixed by TSgt
Navaez and TSgt Siemans.



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