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File: aabar_04.txt
Page: 04
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seen twice this week. Mrs. Bigos is hosting a meeting for spouses on Saturday at


	a. Major overhaul for unit #5 at Base Power Plant continues. We are still
awaiting notification from Contracting to pick-up the cylinder heads from the origi
nal contractor.

	b. Continued runway, taxiway, and apron sweeping operation, twelve hours per
day, seven days a week to prevent FOD to aircraft. (Desert Storm support.)

	c. Sweeping operations were performed in the AMMO storage area. (Desert Storm

	d. The installation of fillstand capabilities at facility 512 to expedite air
craft refueling support is still in progress and is presently about 90% complete.
(Desert Storm support.)

	e. The installation of the horizontal wire for the triple strand concertina wire
continues as well as the installation of additional barrels for security purposes.
ECD: 8 Feb 91. (Desert Storm support.)

	f. For security reasons, filled manholes of old conveyer tunnel with gravel by
the gravel storage area by interconnect taxiway. (Desert Storm support.)

	g. Our Pavements and Grounds Section performed snow removal operations for two
days at Inoges Tropo Site. This task was done Sunday and Monday (2 and 3 Feb). Site
Manager sent Letter of Appreciation to BCE for this rapid and excellent effort. (24
hours overtime.)

	h. Cleaned contaminated soil caused by small fuel spills and spread clean sand
around temporary fuel fillstand in POL pump house facility 510. (Desert Storm sup

	i. Delivered new sand to POL fuel unloading areas in bulk storage, facility 1102
to absorb spills from CAMPSA trucks. (Desert Storm support.)

	j. Spot welded sewage system manhole covers by runway between B2 and B3, and
welded bars in storm drain culvert by aircraft parking ramp. (Requested by
SPS--Desert Storm support.)

	k. Initiated fabrication of devices to secure gates for underground substations
near the runways; presently about 40% complete. (Requested by Security
Police--Desert Storm support.)

	1. Initiated the fabrication of three portable guard shacks for the Security
Police; presently about 60% complete. (Desert Storm support.)

	m. Overhaul of water plant equipment: rapid mix; flocculation and sedimentation
tank (LEA) and sand filters agitators is still in progress and is presently about 25%


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