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File: aabau_02.txt
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		b. Base Populace Education: Threatcon education (SP) is 90 percent
complete. Anti-Terrorism education (OSI) is 80 percent complete. OPEN,
OPR: SP/OSI, ECD: 27 Nov.

		c. Base Security (fencing projects): Reference Wing CC Civil Engineering Update 
Meeting :

		*(1) Chain link fence with 3-tiered barbed wire will replace plan
for concertina along the base road. Wing funding is planned. Coordina
tion with HN required before the fence can be purchased and work planned.

		(2) SP advised the plan to use chain link fence will allow enough wire to concertina 
Sites 1 and 2. The delay is for materials. Stakes are due to Thumrait O/A 30 Nov (CENTAF 
sourcing). DE will do the work. OPEN, OPR: SP/DE, ECD: 15 Dec.

				OPEN, OPR: AO, ECD: 15 Dec.

(4) Defensive Construction (DE).

	(a) B-1 Revetments: Six of 13 truckloads began arriving this
week. DE is awaiting CENTAF Red Horse schedule for an estimated start
date. OPEN, OPR: DE, ECD: TBD.

	(b) Life Support (splinter protection). DOX advised that siting issues were resolved. The 
4th site is south of the parking area. The 421st site is south/southwest corner of parking area. 
Berms will be used for both areas. Work start date was not discussed. OPEN, OPR: DE, ECD: TBD.

		(1) DO requested two additional portacabins to facilitate the move and procure need 
space for a briefing room (421st) and office space (4th). CSG advised the request with 
justification go forward to TFW/CC. CLOSED.

		(2) Also, DO requested another form of blast protection rather than berms. CSG 
advised that improvised blast walls similar to B-1 revets could be built (reference in Wing 
Expedient Hardening Guide). A workorder must be submitted: OPEN, OPR: DOS, ECD: TBD.

	(c) Bunker Plan. DEO showed an initial layout of all bunkers.
1(b)(5)1 Completion of this project is dependent on equipment and other priorities. A US 
excavator is on base. DE must develop a work completion date based on inputs. OPEN, OPR: SU, ECD: 
27 Nov.

*d. M60 Tank Beddown Plan. AO advised that O/A 26 Nov, two EOD techs
port for delivery here O/A 10 Dec. A plan is still being devised for
beddown and will require HN approval. [(b)(5)]
							OPEN, OPR: AO, ECDL 27 Nov.

e. Aircraft Parking Pad. DE advised construction will start this week. From work start, it'll be 
60 days plus 30 days cure time for an ECD of 15 Feb 91.

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