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File: aabav_06.txt
Page: 06
Total Pages: 6

---- During Predeployment Phase, reconstituted the base

-- Takedown of 223 tents, generator plant, water plant. MAAS unit,
including shipment to reprocessing cite

-- Backfill of over 200 personnel bunkers 

-- Cohesive, fully coordinated, and integrated redeployment operations
planned and executed

Throughout the deployment, effective firefighting and Civil
Engineering operations conducted around the clock

-- Over 2,000 work projects completed

-- Over 3.0 billion kilowatt hours of electricity produced

-- Over 6.3 billion gallons of purified water produced

-- Provided maintenance and repair of all base facilities, including 
response to over 1,800 maintenance and repair requests

-- Provided and maintained faculties for over 2,800 personnel in
support of the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing and the 1713th Air
Refueling Wing.

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