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File: aabav_05.txt
Page: 05
Total Pages: 6

-- Increased size of generator plant to 3.75 Megawatts capacity
enough electrical power for a large airbase

-- Installed an additional 16 officers bllletlng portacabins
Constructed Wing Operations Center and Survival Recovery C t

-- Constructed semi hardened vehicle dispersal sites throughout the
base for mission critical vehicles

-- Constructed a 300' transportation vehicle parking pad

-- Constructed, with RED HORSE support an 1850' x 350' parking pad
with hot pit refueling pad.

-- Provided Contract Management support for a 959' x 350' heavy . . ...'
aircraft parking pad., completed in minimal time 

-- Inastalled an aircraft hangar and eight general purpose semi
hardened shelters

-- Expanded sewage treatment plant to increase capacity over l,000

--Installed an additional 41 office porta-cabins' complete with all. ~

--- 11 portacabins installed in support of 69th Tactical Fighter;

--- 16 portacabins installed at Dubai International Airport for
1713th AREFW

------.ll portacabins installed for DO, Combat Support Group, and 
Resource Management Operations

------.Constructed; with Host Natlon Support four laundry facilities

-- Constructed two liquid oxygen storage pads with paved entrances

- During combat operations. provided 24 hour support for all combat
and base functions

-- Constructed in minimal time officer's shower and latrine facility

-- Constructed three NCO shower and latrine facilities

-- Installed sinks and revised water system to the ATH

---- Constructed sewage treatment plant expansion

-.Ensured all mission essential and support facilities remained fully 
operational throughout combat operations

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