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File: aabaw_03.txt
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	4. DECISION BRIEF: Emergency Response Operations (SE). TFW/CC approved 
the following:

		a. Concept and assumptions briefed in attached paper. This included:

			(1) Closest base responds to accident site.

			(2) For communications and logistics, planning should be based on

		(3) Transportation: in the event of an emergency, military personnel will be able 
to drive military (US/HN) vehicles off-base in order to conduct mission essential duties. 

		(4) Communications: cellular telephones provide reliable communications from the 
site to the base; LMRs would also enhance on-scene commander's control of the site; HF 
capability is available from the DO range vehicle. The console in the SRC also provides an 

		(5) DRF/DCG members need to be appointed by units and trained. ACTION: CSG/AO, 
ECD: 22 DEC.

	All members should have a go bag in case of an extended response.

		(6) During combat operations, security augmentation will be
needed to protect the site.

		(7) Conducting recovery operations in another country (eg., Oman) could prevent 
some coordination problems and delay response.

	(	8) Training exercises are needed for fire response; fuel spills;
weapons, aircraft, and other ground mishap reshapes. ACTION: CVI, ECD:
5 JAN.

	b. TFW/SE and CSG/AO are to develop a logistics and communications package for TFW/CC 
funding. ACTION: SE, AO. ECD: 23 DEC.

5. DECISION BRIEF: WOC/SRC Interim Facility Operations (DOX, AO).
TFW/CC approved the following recommendations and directed:

	a. Decision making authority to declare alarm red is delegated to
the senior ranking US officer (mission director). All other alarm
condition decisions should be made by the WOC commander or his designated

	b. By 1 Jan 91 all control centers should have procedures to
implement the wing threat reaction system; alternate control centers; and
comm-out operations. Also internal training within each DCS should be
completed. (ACTION: CSG/AO)

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