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File: aabaz_08.txt
Page: 08
Total Pages: 18


1. Brief processees on these items:

	a. Water is available for them.

	b. All personnel with weapons will clear them prior to entering the CCA. If a Dirty Weapon 
Anmory is used, brief personnel to drop off their weapons.

	c. If anyone feels ill, let CCA personnel know. Augmentee will check for heat
exhaustion and/or chemical exposure. Insure standard first aid is given and
have the person transported to the medical facility.

	d. To read all processing signs carefully, follow each step and to take thier time.

	e. Use of the Buddy System will help the processing lines move quicker and easier.

	f. How to identify OCA personnel: orange or yellow marking tape.

	g. If a Dirty Weapon Anmory is not used, personnel will drop off their weapons for decon after 
the field gear removal ~ .

	h. Have them remove their canteen from their web belt and place in separate containers at the 
next station.

2. Check processecs for contamination:

	a. Visua1ly

		(1) Check M9 for color changes.

		(2) Check Ground Crew Ensemble (GCE) and field gear for wet or discolored spots.

	b. If Chemical Agent Monitor (CAMS) is available, check processees for vapors, paying special 
attention to the neck and extremities.

3. Direct prcessees to the next station.

4. When directed, run M256A1 Chemical test.

5. After processing is camplete or work/rest cycle has been implemented, process through
the CCA.

6. Follow all directions of CCA supervisor.


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