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File: aabaz_09.txt
Page: 09
Total Pages: 18

1. Help set up OCA Line. 
2. Insure all decon materials are available and troughs or buckets are full. 
3. Keep processing line moving and remind personnel to read the signs carefully. 
4. Insure casualties are not brought to the OCA processing line. Do not stop the 
processing line for anyone who becomes incapacitated. Set the person to the side 
and have someone perform self aid/buddy care and transport to the medical facility. 
Use M258 Decon kits on personnel as needed. 
5. Insure full liners are tied up/secured and placed to the side. Replaoe with new 
liners. NOTE: Stop the processing line, if needed, to replace full liners. 
6. Assist in monitoring personnel with CAMS, if needed. 
7. GCEs will be taken to the front (entranoe) of the line and taken to aeration point and hung up 
or disposed of if not to be reused. 
8 If deemed necessary, rubber products will also be hung up for aeration or disposed 
of if not to be reused.
9.When processing has stopped, clean the line, and replace all liners. Insure line 
is ready for next group of personnel. 
10. After processing is completed or work/rest cycles have been implemented, process out of CCA 
with the OCA Entrance person. 
11. When directed, run M256A1 Chemica1 test. 
12. Follow all directions of OCA supervisor. 

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