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File: aabaz_10.txt
Page: 10
Total Pages: 18

1. Help set up CCA line. 
2. Assist in the monitoring of personnel with CAMS, if available. 
3. Instruct personnel to follow directions on the sign. 
	a. Have person stand facing you and lean over. 
	b. Pull hood over persons head. 
	c. Have person take a breath, hold it, close their eyes, then reach around to the front and 
grab the voicemitter and pull off their mask and hand it to you.
NOTE: MCU2/P mask will have to be loosened on the tottom two head harness
straps with forceps or by hand. 
5. Check inside and outside of mask with Ml8 paper. 
	a. If clean, bag and hand to VHA attendant.
	b. If dirty, use M258 decon kit to decon contamunated areas and recheck with M8. 
If mask is grossly contaminated or cannot be deconed, discard mask.
		(1) To decon mask that have eyelense inserts, first check inside and out 
		with M8 Eypef:~If contaminated, strip mask of all parts: inlet valve caps, 
		hood,eyelense covers, filters and head harness then swish in bleach 
		solution. Bag and hand it to the VHA attendant. 
		(2) All masks may use above method if deemed necessary. 
6. Help clean up the LHA when time/mission permits. 
7. Process through the CCA with the other attendants using the Buddy System when all 
processing is complete or work/rest cycles have been implemented. 
8. Follow all directions of CCA supervisor. 

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