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File: aabaz_12.txt
Page: 12
Total Pages: 18

1. Help set up CCA line. 
2. Ensure M258A1 decon kits are available at the decon stations.
3. Keep processing line moving and remind personnel to read the signs carefully. 
4. Do~not stop the processing line for anyone who beccmes incapacitated. Set the person to the 
side and have someone perform first aid/buddy care and transport the person to the medical 
5. Ensure full trash bags are tied up/secured and placed to the side. Replace with new trash 
bags. NOTE: Stop the processing line, if needed, to replace full bags. 
6. Ensure exchange masks are returned to the mask exchange point and head harnesses are loosened. 
NOTE: Stop processing line until exchange masks are available. 
7. Help return deconed masks to the end of the line (clean area) for reissue. 
8. Ensure processees tie their boots together using the laces if boot removal is required. 
9. When Directed, run M256A1 Chemica1 test. 
10. After processing is completed or work/rest cycles have been implemented, process through the 
CCA with other CCA attendants. 
11. Follow all directions of OCA supervisor. 

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