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File: aabaz_13.txt
Page: 13
Total Pages: 18

1. Carefully check each processee and mission mask that VHA attendant is taking to 
the Toxic Free Area (TFA) entrance; be sure to check VHA attendant also, with CAMS. 
	a. Negative reading: 
		(1)	Have person proceed to TFA entrance, remove exchange mask and hang it on 
			the rack or place in container whichever is used. 
		(2) 	Brief each person to go to the mask servicing station in the TFA for mask 	
			reissue/servicing as soon as possible. 
		(3) 	If clothing was removed, direct person to TFA for clothing issue. 
		(4) 	Have VHA attendant take mission masks to TFA entrance. 
	b. Positive reading: 
		(1) 	If only an isolated area, have processee remove the article of clothing covering 
			that area at the clothing removal station. Recheck with C~MS. 
			(a) If negative, direct them to the TFA. 
			(b) If positive, use M258 decon kit on area. Recheck with CAMS. 
		(2) 	If a large area or several areas are affected, have processee to to the 
			shower area to scrub down with soap and water. Recheck with CAMS. 
		(3)	If contamination cannot be removed, cover person with something and trans
			port to the medical facility for decon. 
2. One attendant will loosen exchange mask head harnesses and return masks to the mask 
exchange area on a regular basis, 
3. Follow all directions of OCA supervisor. 
13 . 

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