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File: aabdc_06.txt
Page: 06
Total Pages: 6

That was intentional  because for training purposes we needed 
more people experienced.  It did degrade the operation 
because it was noisier with a little more confusion than 
what we would have necessarily had to have. We came off 
with no major types of shortfalls. 
Q: How would you have rated this exercise and, of course, the 
BRC's management of it? 
P: I think it was certainly satisfactory. I'm not sure; it is 
hard to rate things like that. I was very pleased with it. 
[(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(6)] 
were all real pleased with this. They thought it was 
excellent. Those are the guys we are all working for, the 
three sort of bosses in a situation like this. I was very 
Q: Do you have any other comments you would like to make? 
P: None; thank you. 

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