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File: aabdc_05.txt
Page: 05
Total Pages: 6

number of people we have. I was real pleased; I thought it 
went real  well. 
Q: In comparison to previous exercises--I think we have had two 
others--could you tell me where the improvements were made, 
or how would you rate the exercise in comparison to those 
and where we improved. 
P: There is really no comparison. The other exercises we have 
had have been unilateral, but we have just exercised in the 
blind. [(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(5)] - 
We focus on runway repair. [(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(5)] 
Same with medical; we had work arounds, but 
we didn't have our clinic with operating rooms and things 
like that. 
Also, this time we had our decon [decontamination] areas set 
up with the pilot decon, the medical decon, and the 
personnel decon. We have made a lot of progress in those 
areas. This is by far the best exercise we have had as far 
as looking at our capability. 
Q: Did you note any areas that you felt could use some 
P: Oh, yes. There are always areas where we can use some 
improvement. [(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(5)] That, 
again, became sort of an exercise thing. [(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(5)]
					There were some 
internal things within the BRC that we know we could improve 
on, administrative procedures within there. We had more 
people within the BRC than what we would normally have. 

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