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File: aabff_02.txt
Page: 02
Total Pages: 29

- The shifts for AGS are noon to midnight. The reasoning for
this is so days and nights can launch, recover, and do mainte-
nance. This is a real shift from what we practiced and will
probably change.

- Now that the official fighting has begun, I began to stress a
heightened awareness of terrorist threats making sure all areas
around jets have armed guards at the ECP's and that they stop

JAN 18: DAY 2

- We were fragged for a 40 X 40 with Mk 84's.

- AGS shifts already started swinging. Now they are at 0500-1700
to maintain the continuity on shifts i.e. days are my primary
launchers, and nights are my maintainers.

- With the missions of up to eight hours, I provided the troops a
sleeping or resting area in between goes. The targets are deep,
strategic strikes on Iraqi industrialized complexes far behind
enemy lines. If time and transportation permit, I let the troops
return to their bunk areas to rest better.

- Made sure the Fire Department was called early in the day for
landing times. Also, missions thus far have all come back up to
an hour and a half early. We learned early to be ready for that
four or eight ship that returns from it's mission early.

- We also made sure POL has the heads up for landings so they can
position their trucks to the best advantage. AMU's had to know
what jets and how many they will be required to refuel in the Tab

- There were problems with escort procedures of the local nation-
als. We had to establish early what agency clears them to do
their work, and then who is responsible to escort them when they
are in sensitive areas around the people or jets. I instructed
everyone to escort them at all times.

- The Red Cross notifications will continue. If the first shirt
has to give an individual a call back to the states, he or she
must be in the room with the individual to monitor the content
and duration of the call.

- Forty launched on the first go, all returned. We had 1 IFE in
for hung bomb and tank. Also a/c 1290 punched his tanks.

- I set up a policy to waiver SOAPs as turn times may not allow
NDI to burn all the samples. This way it didn't catch us at a
crisis time inbetween goes.

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