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File: aacbc_03.txt
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had this Litton representative going to the AOR to assist in the strap-on INS' for the

C-21.  Now, somebody has to coordinate for the representative to get his training in

the CWDE business, and make sure he has a kit.  So you've got all these strap-hangers

be-bopping over to the theater, and at the last minute they show up saying,

"where's my stuff?"

Col Clay:  But most military DVs take their own chem gear with them.

Comments:  OK, that about does it for now.  I really appreciate your taking all this 

time to answer all these questions..and of course there'll probably be more, later

on.  For instance, this medevac business, which was brought up at today's staff

meeting...that's another big one that, God help us, we won't have to implement.

Col Cotter:  But it's not looking good though, is it?

Closing Comment:  No, it isn't. 36  you fellows were terrific - thanks again for



The View From The Field - COMALF Requirements, Observations

	(U)  Early in October, the Hq MAC History office asked that a "lesson learned"

survey be conducted here at Hq 21 AF of officers who had recently served as

Commanders of Airlift Forces (COMALFs), in order that they might in turn pass on

the information to the curriculum planners for the MAC Airlift Operations School

(AOS).  To fulfill this request, three 21 AF officers who had served as COMALFs were

interviewed, namely BGen (Ret) John F. Sievertson, a former Vice Commander of the 

21 AF, 37 Col Mike Clay, 38 and BGen Fredric N Buckingham, the current Vice

Commander. BGen Sievertson, who was currently employed as the Chief of the

Hughes Aircraft Training Systems (C-141B flight simulator) here at McGuire, was first

to be asked the question, "What does a COMALF need to know?"  BGen Sievertson

replied as follows:39

		"A basic and thorough understanding and appreciation of command
	relationships is vital, as invariably MAC's forces will be overlapping some Joint
	Task Force (JTF) area of responsibility whenever and wherever MAC assets are
	deployed.  For instance, the 322 ALD thinks they should be the controlling

36. Operation DESERT STORM, the war to liberate Kuwait, began the day after this
37.  From 30Jun 86 - 21 Jul 89
38.  The 21 AF Assistant DCS/Operations, previously interviewed.
39.  From interview with BGen Sievertson, 3 Oct 90.

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