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File: aacbd_04.txt
Page: 04
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MSgt Copeland were so busy talking to female flight attendants on
            CRAF aircraft that passengers had to walk in from the flightline
            off of another AF aircraft. Had they been doing their job this
            wouldn't have happened. They allowed too many TR people on CRAF
            aircraft and forgot about the AF aircraft on the ground. The
            ALCE commander finally had to correct this problem because they
            failed to take the initiative to do so.  Failure to understand
            and follow the chain of command caused numerous problems. The TR
            senior leadership never really understood that they worked for
            the ALCE,  not the senior MAC representative. Too many times they
            tried to coordinated ops related areas without ALCE operations/CC
            approval. This caused much confusion and loss of valuable time
            while ALCE ops straightened out TR's mistakes!
            Passenger Service and ATOC had many problems also due to poor
            training and overall supervision. Numerous passenger manifests
            were incorrect, PAX service tried numerous times to load the
            wrong passengers on the wrong airplane and proper screening of
            emergency leave passengers was not accomplished. ATOC personnel
            supervised by MSgt Copeland, were unable to identify aircraft
            loads in a timely manner, work within the constraints of the KKMC
            area, understand a station workload and were the main reason for
            numerous late launches.  They also failed to fully use the A/DACG
            properly to help them.  Again, job knowledge and priorities by
            the overall supervisors!
            Solution: Remove these individuals from their positions and the
            Reserve (38APS]. Get some senior leadership who cares about
            their people (not themselves) and who knows their job and the
            jobs of the people working for them. Senior leadership needs to
            be involved in actual training and documented by a reputable -
            d. Problem: Senior MAC Representative. This individual's
            position is nowhere to be found in any MAC regulations. His
            duties and who he worked for was never clarified. This caused
            numerous coordination problems when be tried to usurp the ALCE
            commander's  authority. He tried to implement flawed plans that
            past deployments proved inadequate and also tried to go against
            directives.  He caused much confusion in the TR section as to who
            really was the commander at our location. He was also trying to
            cut "deals" with other units (AF, Army, etc.) without gaining the
            ALCE CC's approval. This cost us valuable time to straighten out
            the mistakes and misconceptions about how the operator should
            run. Having a Senior MAC Representative of higher grade put the
            ALCE CC In a very awkward  position. The name itself confused
            everyone as to who the real commander was.
            Solution: It would be best to forget this idea in the future.
            You have an ALCE commander,  let him do big job. If the workload
            is too heavy or outside pressures too great then assign an ALCE
            Liaison officer of equivalent grade to the ALCE CC who

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