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File: 110196_aacnc_01.txt
Page: 01
Total Pages: 6

 RTAO: SGAH 6 Mar 91
 SUBJ: Desert Storm Workload Figures
 t. As requested, I have abstracted the MEDSTAT reports collected
 during Operation Desert Shield/Storm (effective dates: 19 Aug - 1
 Mar 91). The information abstracted included both inpatient and
 outpatient data (ie,  the numbers of patients seen) at the
 2. Attachments 1 and 2 reflect workload figures for each of the
 months the operation. Attachments 3 and 4 reflect the workload
 data for the pre-war, air war, ground war, and post-war periods
 of operation. Finally, Attachment 5 gives the totals by month and
 respective periods.
 3. Abbreviations used:
  a. SS = occupied surgical beds
 b.  MM = occupied medical beds
 c.  0PV = outpatient visits
 d.  ADM = hospital admissions
 4.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

 GARY D BUTTON, CAPT, USAF, MSC			 5 Atchs: workload

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