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File: 110796_aaclz_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 4

    CONUS prior to deployment who they learned following deployment had a sexually contracted disease. The ATH could not evaluate   these and relied upon the Army Hospitat for an RPR. HIV testing was not available in the field and we were instructed to have    patients follow-up after their return to CONUS for HIV testing.
       b. Not known
       c. Instructions regarding water consumption.
       d. A booklet was distributed to personnel prior to deployment
       e. Medicat Facitities:
             (1) Militarytitory - ln the local area two 50 bed ATHs and two Army evacuation hospitals. Specialty medical support was  available locatty at the Army facility.
           (2) Civilian - None locally but fixed facilities were available within 30 to 50 Km.
    	(3) Aeromedicat Evacuation - The area served, as well, as a large evacuation staging facility so this was readily  available. It was utilized.
    8. Flight Medicine Program: Not appticabte.
    9. Observation and Recommendations:
    a. Orthopedic, Enterostomal and Anesthesla Supply Stock Deficiency at ATHs: After arriving at the hospital the members of   the FF6K7 evaluated the supplies on hand and found several deficiencies which reduced the effectiveness of the Team and hospital as a   whole:                                                         -
	   (1) The lack of an oxygen analyzer to determine that oxygen is indeed being administered to patients during    anesthesia.
           (2) The lack of a means to regulate the oxygen percentage during anesthesia.
 	  (3) The loss of effectiveness of local anesthetics due to heat exposure while in storage and transit, thus atso    limiting the capability to perform spinet and regionat anesthesla.
    (4) lnadequate orthopedic supplies of plaster and lack of external fixation devices which made deployment of an
    orthopedist almost useless.
	(5)  Inadequate enterostomal supplies which would be needed for dressing of stomas after surgery for abdominal trauma. 
	(6) Lack of regulated oxygen delivery system for postoperative patients.

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