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File: 110796_aaclz_04.txt
Page: 04
Total Pages: 4

   b. Expanding the Limited Capabitity of the ATH: The opportunity to view an Army Hospitat's surgical capabilities consisting   of multipte surgical subspecialties and intensive care brought the realization that the ATH could be easity combined with a second   ATH to provide much expanded capabltities. The Army 400 bed hospital had onty one more ISO shelter with two operating tables and   additional tent space for wards.  he staffing for the Army Hospital and the two 50 bed AIHIS were comparable. Conceivably,   every second or third ATH could have an augmentation package which would allow it to easily combine with another ATH to markedly   upgrade the overall capability for specific contingencies.
   10. Commander Summary: Not appticabte.
   A. List of Medical Personnet Deptoyed in Exercise - Atch 1.
   B. List of Visitors at Exercise Site - None.
   C. Staffing Report - Not Appticabte.
   FFCK-7 Mobitity Team Chief

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