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File: 120596_aacgt_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 5

 SOLUTION: Relocate sheath at least two inches above current location.

 I. Gun holster location.

 PROBLEM: Holsters are located almost at the back of survival vest. It
 was hard for the individual to draw/reholster weapon.
 Holster was sometimes sewed on an upright position, causing
 the handle/grip of the weapon to protrude to the individual's
 armpit. This caused discomfort to the user.

 SOLUTION: Relocate holster close to the radio pocket in a 45 degree

 J. Life Support shop at King Fahd, Saudi Arabia.

 PROBLEM: Life Support was given the wrong Transportable Constructed
 Shop. The shop was designed for Avionics Maintenance and was
 lacking the necessary requirements for oxygen mask inspection.

 K. Aircrew Chemical Defense and Life Support training.

 PROBLEM: Several crewmembers were not aware of the open air
 decontamination concept. Crewmembers were not familiar with
 the decontamination procedures. Detailed procedure has to be
 given in order for the crew member to complete the
 decontamination procedure.

SOLUTION : Crew member should pay attention and get involved in the
 decontamination process during their annual Aircrew Chemical Defense
 initial/refresher training.

L. Aircraft Decontamination Equipment and Flight Deck Plastic Seal.

 PROBLEM:  The requirement to seal the flight deck with a clear plastic
 in the event of chemical contamination was Excellent. However
 there were no immediate supplies available to support all
 assigned aircraft.

 SOLUTION: Supplies needed to seal the flight deck and spray pump
 should be identified and loaded to the aircraft as part of
 the aircraft configuration.

 M. Flapper Flight Gloves for Chemical Operations.

 PROBLEM: When Listing aircrew chemical ensembles crew members require
 gloves one size larger than they usually wear. This resulted
 in a shortage of flight gloves at the FOB.

 SOLUTION: Crew members should have shown up at the FOB with proper sizes
 for both regular and chemical operations. This problem
 should be addressed as part of annual life support training.

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