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File: 120596_aacwy_15.txt
Page: 15
Total Pages: 34

 Many drivers were not qualified to drive on the
 flight line. Driver training was shortened and
 compromised due to the large number of drivers
 required and the urgent need to obtain-them
 quickly. The planned patient surge would have
 quickly depleted the driver pool leaving the
 AECE without adequate driver support.
 Aeromedical evacuation crew member were
 required to drive vehicles to support their own

 3. Recommendation: Authorize drivers in
 aeromedical UTCs and identify driver training
 requirements such as crew buses, vans, and
 passenger buses. Require all medical
 crewmembers to be qualified to drive the variety
 of vehicles required to support AECE operations
 to include driving on a flight line. Units
 should document driver training and deploy with
 a driver qualifications list reflecting each
 medical crewmember qualifications.

 R. Some personnel deployed without required personal
 protective equipment.

 1. Observation: Some medical crewmembers arrived
 at Ramstein AB without required chemical
 protective gear, flack vests and weapons.

 2. Discussion: Medical crewmembers assigned to
 Ramstein AB were tasked in the Concept of
 Operations to crew missions from Southwest Asia
 (SWA) Area of Responsibility (AOR) to Germany
 and to the Continental United States.
 Crewmembers were required to take chemical
 protective gear, flack vests, and weapons when
 crewing SWA AOR missions.

 3. Recommendation: Personnel tasked for active
 duty need to be informed of their personal
 protective equipment requirements in sufficient
 time to have mission essential items issued
 prior to departure from home station.

 S. Medical technicians were deployed before they were
 fully trained. `

 1. Observation: Medical technicians with a three
 level AFSC were deployed in medical crewmember

 2. Discussion: medical technicians normally are
 not permitted to care for a patient without
 supervision until they have attained a five
 skill level. The anticipated patient workload
 		Page 15

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