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File: 120596_aacwy_22.txt
Page: 22
Total Pages: 34

 adequate training in its use must be conducted'
 routinely to include use in both field and
 command post training exercises.

 3. Recommendation: Develop adequate standardized
 computer software for use in an aeromedical
 evacuation control element when deployed in
 actual operations, or in field or command post
 training exercises. Provide routine training in
 use of the software.

 | AC. Numbered unit identities are required at deployed
 1. Observation: -unit identities were not
 established causing difficulties related to
 command and control and in establishing a single
 cohesive unit.

 2. Discussion: Unit identities were not assigned
 to deployed aeromedical evacuation control -
 elements. In addition, titles from home station
 such as unit commander, chief nurse, and troop
 commander got in the way of establishing a
 single cohesive unit. Since there is no
 official unit identity established for a
 deployed aeromedical evacuation control element,
 assigned personnel tend to identify with their
 deployed unit and its deployed commanders, chief
 nurses, or troop commanders. This leads to a
 breakdown in authority-for the deployed
 aeromedical evacuation control element commander
 when deployed unit commanders, chief nurses and
 troop commanders disagree with decisions. 

 3. Recommendation: Assign numbered unit identities
 to each deployed aeromedical evacuation control
 element and other deployed aeromedical evacua-
 tion functions. Train aeromedical evacuation
 personnel on the functioning of a deployed AECE
 and its proper chain-of-command during annual

 AD. Methods to establish an aeromedical crewmember
 chain-of-command and management of individual crewmembers
 should be identified.

 1. Observation: Different methods were developed
 to establish a chain-of-command and for the
 management of individual crewmembers

 2. Discussion: A chain-of-command was created for
 medical crewmembers by establishing hard crews
 each having an officer-in-charge. In addition,
 crews were assigned to a Flight with a Flight

 Page 22

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