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File: 120596_aacwy_23.txt
Page: 23
Total Pages: 34

	officer-in-charge. This proved to be very
 	effective in establishing both a good
 	chain-of-command and in allowing each crewmember
 	to establish an identity with a crew. A two
 	week schedule was developed and updated and a
 	daily schedule was posted the day prior to
 	assigned duties. This seemed to work well.
 	Personnel trained in crew management issues need
 	to be assigned to the aeromedical evacuation
 	control element in a Crew Management Section as
 	part of the Operations Function. Medical crews
 	should report through their chain-of-command to
 	the Crew Management Section.

 3.	Recommendation: Establish a formal
 	chain-of-command for deployed medical
 	crewmembers within the Operations Function.
 . .
 AE. 	Personnel to establish a Squadron Command Section
 { 	(Orderly Room) must be included in UTCs.

 1. 	Observation: Personnel are not trained in
 	taskings normally accomplished by an Orderly
 	Room in active duty unit nor are Orderly Room
 	related positions included in aeromedical
 	evacuation control element UTC .

 2. 	Discussion: Squadron Section Commanders, First
 	Sergeants and Orderly Room Clerks are not
 	included in AECE UTCs or placed on mobility for
 	deployment when AECEs are activated. Each
 	aeromedical evacuation control element and
 	aeromedical evacuation control center should
 	have an orderly room function with personnel
 	properly trained in procedures related to
 	billeting, pay, emergency leave, military
 	discipline, reassignments, and other activities
 	normally performed by an Orderly Room. Although
 	some programs normally accomplished by an
 	Orderly Room may not apply to activated reserve
 	personnel, many do. There currently is no
	program in place to handle the numerous 
 	personnel issues which affect unit morale and

 3. 	Recommendation: Place Squadron Section
 	Commanders, First Sergeants and Orderly Room
 	Clerks on mobility and include their positions
 	in aeromedical evacuation control element and
 	aeromedical evacuation control center UTCs.
 	Provide training to personnel designated to fill
 	these positions in all orderly room activities
 	such as billeting, pay, emergency leave,
 	military discipline, reassignment, and other
 	related military personnel support functions.

 Page 23

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