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File: 120596_aacwy_24.txt
Page: 24
Total Pages: 34

AF.	 Communications hardware requirements must be
 identified and standardized.

 1. 	Issue: There is no standard requirement for
 	beepers, land mobile radios facsimile machines,
 	computers and software, telephones, answering
 	machines, and photocopy equipment for the
 	aeromedical evacuation control center or
 ! 	element.

 2. 	Discussion: The central requirement to operate
 	an aeromedical evacuation control center/element
 	is the ability to communicate with its personnel
 	and other aeromedical evacuation control
 - 	centers/elements: Communication equipment
 	requirements to facilitate this requirement must
 	be identified to allow the smooth operation of
 -- 	control centers/elements. Essential
 	communication needs include keeping in contact
 	with medical crews on alert or other assigned -
	duties, contacting key personnel when they are
 	not in the office, communications between the
 	control center and the flight line, and
 	communications with other control centers and
 	command posts.

 3. 	Recommendation: Communication equipment
 	required to support aeromedical evacuation
 	control elements and control centers must be
 	reviewed and identified. Identified
 	communications equipment must be included in
 	tables of allowances and procured.

 AG. Adequate Space requirements for the Aeromedical
 Evacuation Control Element is not identified in Air Force

 1	 Observation: Adequate space requirement for
 	aeromedical evacuation control elements is not .
 	available for planning purposes.

 2. 	Discussion: Space was provided in two hangers
 	for the Aeromedical Staging Facility,
 	Aeromedical Evacuation Control Element, Joint
 	Medical Regulating Office, and U. S. Army
 	transportation support personnel. The space
 	provided for the AECE was not adequate. The
 	photocopier, fax machine, communications
 	equipment, all mission planning personnel,
 	Flight Clinical Coordinators, the Commander and
 - 	so forth all were confined to one large room.
 	The work area was very congested and noisy. The
 	work area was not conducive to planning
 	aeromedical evacuation missions or to the
 			Page 24

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