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File: 120596_aacwy_25.txt
Page: 25
Total Pages: 34

	frequent telephone coordination required by
 	nurses and mission planning personnel. The
 	Commander did not have an office to have private
	discussions with personnel. Also, confusion
	regarding the working relationships of various
	organizations existed, in part, because all of
 	the organizations supporting aeromedical evacua-
	tion were working out of the same workspace.
 	According to Military Airlift Command regula-
 	tions the aeromedical evacuation control element
 	is to be collocated with the airlift control
 	element. This configuration allows closer
 	coordination with airlift personnel.

 3.	 Recommendation: Adequate space must be provided
 	for the aeromedical evacuation control center or
 	element and it should be collocated with the
	airlift control center or element. The
 	requirement to collocate the AECC/AECE at the
	airlift control center or element should be
 	included in Air Force level regulations.

 AH. Redeployment was accomplished too quickly to allow
 for proper planning and orderly management of personnel.

 1.	Observation: Personnel were redeployed from
 	Ramstein on short notice not allowing proper
 	planning and execution to take place.

 2. 	Discussion: During the initial drawdown, over
 	450 personnel were redeployed. The selection of
 	personnel to be redeployed was accomplished by
 	the Theater Aeromedical Evacuation Control
 	Center rather than by the Aeromedical Evacuation
 	Control Element management staff. In addition,
 	personnel were expected to depart on less than a
 	one day notice. The short notice resulted in
	not having a group meeting with affected
 	personnel, failure to have time to conduct a
 	farewell event, and, in general, having a
 	logistical nightmare to sort out. Since the Air
	Force policy was to hold personnel up to 30 days
 	after return to home station, there was no
 	reason not to develop and carry out an organized
 	plan of departure. There seemed to be no one
 	watching the store so that a drawdown of the
 	Ramstein AB Aeromedical Evacuation Control
 	Element could be accomplished in an organized

 3. 	Recommendation: Personnel recalled to active
 	duty deserve proper treatment during the
 	drawdown phase of an employment. HQ MAC should

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