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File: 120596_aacwy_26.txt
Page: 26
Total Pages: 34

	develop a drawdown model {which should be shared
	with all affected personnel) for reservists
	recalled to active duty.

 AI. Having both USCENTCOM and USEUCOM medical crews
 assigned to the Ramstein AB Aeromedical Evacuation Control
 Element was cumbersome.

 1. 	Observation: Medical crews assigned to Ramstein
 	AB were tasked by UTC as being in support of
 	either CONUS or Southwest Asia missions.

 2. 	Discussion: Over 140 medical crews were
 	assigned to the Ramstein AB Aeromedical
 	Evacuation Control Element. Approximately 
 	strategic medical crews were assigned to support
 	CONUS and Southwest Asia missions and
	approximately crews were attached
 . 	for redeployment to-Southwest Asia. The 45
 	tactical crews were under the command and
 	control of USCENTCO . These-tactical crews
 	remained in the Ramstein AB area until
 	redeployment to CONUS. In addition, some C-141
 	medical crews were designated to support.
 	Southwest Asia and others were designated to
 	support CONUS missions. Medical crews should be
 	assigned to the AECE only to support its
 	assigned mission. The AECE should not have to
 	manage certain medical crews as CONUS crews and
 	other as Southwest Asia crews. All medical
 	crewmembers should be assigned to perform the
 	AECE mission and the AECE should be able to
 	manage assigned crews as required to accomplish
 	its mission. 

 3. 	Recommendation: Assign a mission tasking to
	the AECE and assign sufficient medical crews,
	and other personnel, to perform the tasks.
	Allow the AECE to manage its crews as required
 	to support its mission. Do not assign medical
	crews to Europe with no mission other than
 	potential redeployment to another theater.

 AJ. Different per diem rates were authorized for
 personnel working and living in the Ramstein AB area.

 1. 	Observation: There were four different per diem
 	rates at military bases within commuting
	distance to Ramstein AB for personnel TDY to
 	Ramstein AB but billeted at the four different
 2. 	Discussion: There are different per diem rates
 	at Ramstein AB, Vogelweh AB, Kapaun 4B, and at
 	Bann B Communications site. Per diem rates are
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